

Jul 6, 2007
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Im 9 weeks pregnant with my first baby and i seem to be having alot of heartburn.

Everytime i eat either first thing in the morning or at dinner time around 5-6ish i have the most terrible chest pains ever and i keep burping loads. its making me feel really unwell, im not suffering with any sickness as such , i just wanted to know if this is normal and if so any tips.

Thanks Alot :D
gaviscon!!! i love it, its become my best friend as im suffering loads with it too.
That's all I can suggest too and I think it's practically all us PG women can take anyway. My sister used to go through loads of it.

One tip... get your Dr to prescribe it. You get free prescriptions and most will prescribe you a big bottle with around £6 odd!
gaviscon is the best, when i was pregnant with my daughter i ended up drinking it from the bottle it did the trick. they say if you have bad heartburn your baby will have a full head of hair but this wasnt true for me as both my girls were born bald.
I remember keeping a pack of renee under my pillow as mine was that bad - luckily I've only had it once so far
I have bad heartburn at the mo and it seems to be caused really by me eating rubbish!!! (She says scoffing Maltesers! I'll pay for that later!) I've found that (if you can stomach it!) a glass of milk is an effective way of curing it - or dairy of other sorts like a yoghurt or cheese.
In my last pregnancy I was drinking a huge bottle of Gaviscon a week :puke: I had awful heartburn. I have no tips at all, there was nothing else thatcured it but Gaviscon, but only for an hour or two.
try refreshers and love hearts.. they taste nicr than gavasgon and tums..and work pretty well..if its bad i would say use gavasgon once then try some other stuff as u can get used to one med :) i have only had it 4 times this pregnancy.. when i had charlotte i had it from 6 weeks.. every day.. morning noon and night.. was a nightmare..

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