Heartbroken, ruptured ectopic :'(


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2014
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Hi ladies I'm totally devastated iv just come out of hospital after going to A&E on Friday morning with chest pain and some bleeding to be told that I neede to be operated on witching the hour to remove a ruptured ectopic pregnancy :( gutted. My tube had split so it's resulted in me losing my right tube I had over 1 litre of free flowing blood in my pelvis and stomach causing me irritation hence my breathing being so difficult. I'm so worried il never conceive again heart broken and gutted xxxx
So sorry to read this what a very trumatic experience for you. Please just rest up and stay positive I have read so many positive storeys on her with ladies getting their bfp after same what you have been through. Take care sweety
Thankyou I'm hoping I'm one of the lucky ones and gets my BFP when I'm fit and well again xx
So sorry to hear that hun, sending you massive hugs xxx
I haven't had an ectopic pregnancy but did lose my left ovary to a cyst back in 2005. I already had one daughter but wanted more children. I've since gone on to have two more with another due soon - all on my right ovary. Fingers crossed for you during this tough time xx
Hi, also going through an ectopic pregnancy and worried I won't be able to conceive another child. So far I've not had intervention but now I'm thinking what if it's left me with some damage and I'll keep miscarrying or having ectopic pregnancies. It's been an emotional couple of weeks :-/
(((((HUGS))))) I lost my tube a week ago due to ectopic. It's so hard, both physically and emotionally. Make sure you rest, rest, rest and take care of yourself hun...
So sorry to hear that, massive hugs, don't lose hope though, I'm sure wishinghope will see this and tell you her story, she had one of her tubes removed recently and she is now pregnant again, it's is possible with one tube.
Stay strong and take support from your friends, family and the lovely ladies on here.xx
hi hun,

I too had a ruptured ectopic last mon and only had surgery last tues I also lost my left tube. I know all too well what it feels like to go through weeks of this ( I went through weeks and weeks of drs not knowing what it was). you've prob read my story but what im saying is its very hard and if you want anyone to chat to feel free to message me x
Having surgery tomorrow to see what's going on knowing exactly they might remove a tube. In hospital now thinking am I doing the right thing but would also worry that it could happen again. Also worries about recovery. Planning my escape overnight ha.
I literally had no idea I had the ectopic I went into hospital fri morn because I was in horrendous pain in my lower stomach and stabbing pains in my privates also lots of chest pain shooting to my shoulder I took myself to A&E from morning and I was rushed to theatre for emergency surgery within the hour I had over a litre of free flowing blood in my pelvis and stomach from the rupture which was agrivating my nerves hence my pain when breathing if they hadn't of operated so fast I wouldn't be here now. I still can't believe it all as it all happened so quickly. I'm thankful I'm still alive however right now I'm feelin. So down in the dumps it's unreal I'm hoping I start positive thinking soon enough :'( xxx
Hi Darling,

Really made me emotional reading about you all going through this recently, its truly is horrendous.

I didn't have anyone on here that I could ask or speak to that had gone through one so please do ask each other questions & let out how you feel because it plays a big part in the healing process.

I had to have surgery on my left side in January after being in a lot of pain & bleeding. I went in on the Monday where they told me it was Ectopic & they took bloods to see if it would die on its own - it was growing & causing issues with my tube so I went back on the Wednesday & was taken into theatre and had my left tube removed along with the pregnancy.

I was signed off work for 2 weeks but took another week off after that because of how emotional I was. You really do need time to mend physically AND emotionally..

I had Larascopy surgery so I have 3 small incisions on my pubic bone, belly button & left hip. They didn't instrument through my vagina like they usually do (if they can) as I was pregnant with twins & one was in the uterus. Sadly the trauma of the drugs & surgery I miscarried the twin 6days later.

6weeks later on Mothers Day I ovulated for the first time since my surgery (only had 1 light bleed 2/3weeks after my surgery) & I fell pregnant again.

I had to have an early reassurance scan at 5weeks(ish) to make sure this one was in the right place & luckily is was!! I actually ovulated from the left ovary where my tube was removed... turns out your remaining tube will go over & pick up the egg which is ready for ovulation & bring it back to the healthy side & help fertilisation.. Fascinating.

I have another scan tomorrow when I will be around 7weeks (ish) for dating.. it is nerve wrecking as what we have been through is so scary but I never thought I would fall pregnant this quickly afterwards.

One thing I recommend is stay on top of your pregnancy vitamins as I believe that helped me ovulate so quickly again.

I hope everything goes okay for you & we see you back here in the not so distant future :eek:)

Take care of yourselves ladies..

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Aw hun. The shock is indescribable isn't it? I knew I was pregnant but really didn't think it was ectopic, especially as I'd had so many scans showing no pregnancy anywhere. I don't know if I ruptured but I do know I had a lot of bleeding internally...

I think it really doesn't help that it all happens so quickly in an emergency, you don't get a chance to ask any questions. You go into shock and are numb and just do what you've got to do and then it's all over and they're sending you home a few days later with no follow up or after care and it's only when you're home you start processing what's happened and then the questions, anger, guilt, fear, sadness, and every other emotion going under the sun suddenly pop in to complicate things.

(((((HUGS))))) I'm here if you want to talk. I had emergency surgery on the 13th April and lost my left tube and am going through all the motions myself too. :(
It's such a horrible thing to go thru. I am lucky I have three boys already but I also think that makes it harder because u have experienced what could have been type thing. I do want to try again but then I worry if it's ectopic again then iv blown any chance of giving my partner a baby (my other three are to my ex husband) I'm so sad right now xxx
(((((HUGS))))) I kind of think that having other kids makes it quite hard. Firstly you know exactly what you've lost and secondly you've got no down time. No chance to really rest because you have to be up and available for the other kids.

I'm scared to TTC again too. If I lose my other tube that's it for us. No more chances. :(

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