

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I bought a doppler and have tried it out, I heard a noise that sounded like a steam train, about 100 beats per minute, could this be bubs heartbeat?? I am only about 10 weeks so unsure if this is too early to hear anything.
Depends on the grade of your doppler but could be
Hi tigger bounce,
I have a dopppler and found heartbeat at 9 weeks - and i'm a size 16 but do have a high uterus already. I would say that its sounds as if you have found your own heart beat! You can find it loads of places down there! along with whoosing and other noises. Babies heartbeat should be between 120 - 180 about. The easiest way to check if its your own is to feel your pulse at the same time and see if its the same. I made the same mistake as you and was convinced it was the babies and then worried that it was to low until i did some research and found it was mine!
A few tips to finding it: it takes time! You need to move the doppler very slowly, starting at the pubic bone and in the centre, you wil need to place the doppler with plenty of gel and before moving it to either side check all angles with the doppler - again very slowly. A full bladder is a must as it pushes your uterus up. You also need a quite room and need to lie as flat as possible. The only other piece of advice i can add is to say that it takes time, when i finally found my bubbas i was determined and spent over half an hour looking, meticulously checking every area possible.

You will know when you hear it as it is twice as fast as your own and sounds completely different to you own - it has been described as galloping horses. It took me a week or so to get the hang of mine and i can now find the heartbeat in about 5-10 mins as i know where to look. In fact i can find it on both sides and am convinced its twins, but it could be one big one lol.

Let us know how you get on, i hope the advice helps.
Where do you get dopplers from? would you advise getting one? Not something I've considered before but might help to make this more real! Only thing is we're supposed to be saving for the new house furniture and baby so wont be able to convince OH its a good idea if its expensive!
Hi Tiny, I bought mine from amazon (Angelsounds) was about £30 with gel too

Hi Joanna, I have tried it again this evening and found a much faster beat but for only a few seconds, will try again in the morning and see what I can find. Thanks for your advice
ooh Ive seen one on there for 15 quid!! I'll have a whisper in my OH ear after he's finished killing zombies on the x box!
You can hire them too, most are about £10 a month, ebay do some. I paid £45 for a MW grade one - with the veiw of selling it on afterward. Glad you found a faster beat, i only found it breifly the first few times and not long enough to get a good reading too.
ive never had one of these but ive always wanted one, think i might have to invest in one this time round lol xxxx
Wouldnt 100 be closer to your own heart rate? I know I picked my own up the first few times.

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