Heart scan for baby


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Hi everyone!

Just to say I've got to go back to the hospital tomorrow morning for another scan. During my 20 week scan the baby wouldn't stay still so the sonographer couldn't get a detailed view of the heart chambers and stuff. She said everything was okay and you see the heartbeat going strong. She just wanted to get detailed images and do some measurements to be on the safe side. I know she said all is okay but you still can't help worrying a bit can you?

Just wondered if anyone else has gone through this? xxx
Sure all will be fine hun. They just have to be able to put a tick in every box to safe guard themselves! With my son I had to go back as the hadnt been able to see the whole spine and needed to check all was well. I convinced myself that something was wrong and they just didnt want to tell me but all was fine xxx
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I had to go back a wk later as Evie didn't want to play and they couldn't see her kidneys or spine properly on my first 20 wk scan. Everything was fine at the second scan. Don't worry hun, they don't always get to see what they need to and you'll get to see baby again :)
I'm sure its just a precaution hun, good luck x
I was told to have a walk around and get a coffie then go back 30 40 mins later, when this happend to me eveything will be fine. Just look forward to seeing your baby again!! x
Hi Hun I had to have an echocardiahram with my 1st baby as they had to check for deformities due to some medication I had taken previously, everything was fine with my little man x
Hey chick x how did scan go?
Thanks for the replies everyone. I had a bit of an ordeal with the scan to be honest. I got told it was to double check on the heart chambers but as I lay down on the bed, the sonographer said 'right, we are double checking as it's been highlighted in you notes that there may be problems with the kidneys and the actual growth of your baby. Is that right?'
I was like er, no. Well no-one talked to me about any of those being a potential problem! She went on to explain that she has been flagged to check the kidneys and bladder as they looked too disproportionate(!), the heart (as explained) and also the actual growth rate of the baby as it looked small!

Started to panic and get a little upset but thankfully OH was strong and tried to get more info out of her. Saw gorgeous profile pics of babs and was dying to ask for a piccy as my previous ones are a bit blurred coz he wouldn't sit still! But I thought I'd wait to find out if everything was okay first. Anyway at the end so got an amazing shot and started to ask if we wanted the piccy but then started to say that I need to go and have a word with the midwife. When I asked why she just looked at me with a strange sympathetic look and said tht the midwife would explain everything but I was to go up straight away.

Anyway I left the room, again getting a bit upset, without getting the gorgeous piccy and went to see the midwife. We got seen straight away only for the midwife to say that everything was absolutely perfect. When I asked why I was told to see her she just said she had no idea as the sonographer had filled in all the paperwork saying she was happy with everything she had seen and baby appeared normal and healthy...

To sum up, everything is apparently okay so all in all I'm very very happy - just a bit upset that we had to endure the seemingly pointless worry while we get an answer... Thanks for listening ladies, hope you're all okay xxx
What an ordeal for you. Really glad everything is ok hun :) xx
Sorry to hear you had to go through all of that - but glad bubs is okay x

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