Heart murmer (sp)


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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I had a GP's appointment last week to check my BP whilst there I asked her to check Freddies chest as he had a cold and it didnt seem to be clearing up after 2 weeks. She checked and said his chest sounded clear but did I know he has a heart murmer? NO! Nobody had mentioned this at the hospital and he has been to out of hours dr when he first got the cold. We're going back to the dr tomorrow to have it checked again but wanted to know if any of you have little ones with this and what it meant for them? I have been told its quite common and shouldnt cause any problems, but it sounds really scary and I'm worried about my wee man :(
im sorry to hear this. I actually haven t had any experience of this but i hope everything works out

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi there,

Just wanted to add my story for a bit of reassurance. When my daughter was 9 weeks old she was admitted because she had a bug and needed a drip. The doctor on the ward found a heart murmur but it had never been found at birth or her 6 week check.

I first went into a blind panic as you are probably feeling right now!

After a scan of her heart and a few tests they concluded it was a small one and would most likely clear up by the time she was 2! They weren't at all bothered about it to be honest - It was just me who shouted at her cousins for making her jump!

She had a second scan at 2 and it was completely gone!

It is a worry but something very serious would have been picked up earlier. The cardiologist told me that they are very common and most people never know because they out grow them so try not to worry ( I know that's easier said then done! )
Calum was prem and he had one, they said that it is quite common and as already has been said it can go just as easy as they come. The doctors heard Calums one day and then not another :? So try not to worry to much. :hug:
We saw the Dr yesterday and she has booked us in to see a consultant as it was getting louder. Hopefully all will turn out ok when they check him out at the hospital
The only person I've ever known with one was a girl at school - and she's just got married and has always been very fit and sporty and it doesn't ever seem to have held her back - it seemed to be just one of those things to be aware of rather than something that called her problems. If she hadn't been so sporty then vigorous activity would have tired her out more quickly than usual but she got around it by just being active.
When Nathan had his 8 week check the doctor found a small heart murmor which got me all worried.

I was told to make an appointment at the hospital for him to have a scan for it. After months of waiting and loads of phone calls to the hospital :roll: I finally got an appointment.

When he had his scan I was worrying that something was going to be wrong/that it had got worse etc but it had gone completely! :cheer: The doc at the hospital said this is quite a common to find one then for it to just dissapear.
good luck with the consultant hope its all ok :hug:

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