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Healthy Eating


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2010
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Hi Ladies,

I just wondered what's people's diets are like right now?

I am a bit of a fussy eater mainly due to lots of allergies (all nuts apart from cashew, tomatoes, onions, runner beans, apples, oranges to name a few)Because of this i've not always been a healthiest of eaters. I did used to eat a lot of veg to make up for the lack of fruit but now i cant seem to stand the stuf (maybe its the heat) :think:

I seem to be eating so much pasta and potatoe dishes, but i worry that im not getting enough healthy stuff like veg and salad. Do you think im worrying too much about this?

I know what the books are telling me to eat but its hard with my allergies, and so now im worried about how my diet will affect the LO? :( :( :(
my diets not all it should be i have a gastric band and since being preg it was emptied so i can eat normally again and iv gone a bit mad! i make sure i eat my 5 a day but i also throw a fair bit of sweet stuff into that as well and have a thing for meat i just love it ribs are my fav at the mo
mmmm ribs . . . . you've just helped me decide what to have for dinner lol
I´m terrible, about 4 days in a week i eat rubbish (pizza, burger, kebab.. )simply cuz that all i fancy and the other 3 days i try n eat reasonably healthy. I try to add things to my food tho that i normally wouldnt like tonight im making us spicy mince that we just eat with a sallad and nice bread but then i add tomatoes, carrots, kidneybeans, sweetcorns.. just to make it abit more healty. I do eat alot of fruit tho cuz i loooove it.
And i try to swap the coke to water :D
Drinks wise im not too bad, i drink tea by the bucket load but have switched to decaff :-?

I wish i could eat fruit but the only fruit i can actually stomach i am allergic too.

I need to include more veg in my diet but right now it makes me feel a bit sick :puke:
eat what you fancy thats what i do just the heltiest option of what i fancy. If i fancy burger i have it but skip the chips and sauce and if i want pizza i go asda "create my own" and have only 1 naughty option and the rest vegs. (still bad food i know.. :D) but i really think you should eat whatever you fancy.
My diets been awful lately! I just don't fancy healthy food! Been trying to eat fruit but get half way through and get board lol did get some fruit smoothies but lacey keeps drinking them!! Once I start fancying food again I'll try to eat healthy again
My diets been pretty good but only because I have craved fruit and veg especially crudités with garlic mayo! Yum x I've also been craving fish-especially mussels x once a week I treat myself to something naughty x if you're worried make the naughty food instead-if you crave burgers make your own, ditto pizza-dough is really easy to make x I get DD to make burgers and meatballs with me x I love vegetable curry too and curry paste is pretty easy to make too x tbh I wouldn't worry a whole lot-your body'll tell you what it wants x
On Thursday i wanted burger that was abit burnt on the edge?! It was half9 at night and no shops open so i had to order it, BURNT ON THE EDGE PLEASE!!
minimum order was £8 so i had to pay that for my burger (didnt eat the bread or nothing else then the edges of the burger) but it was all worth it!! :D
Im trying....lord im trying but its so hard. I basically eat whats going :lol: I do tend to opt for a salad sarnie for lunch and whatever crap i fancy in evening! I do munch on fruit in between, and drink lotsa milk, i SHUD drink more water and maybe eat more veg but hes healthy, happy and kicking so i cant be doing that much wrong **Touch wood**

Oh also my mad craving is rice crispie bars :oops:
Isobel84 - that is one expensive bit of meat haha!

Leanne - i love them bars but if i buy them i end up eating 3 minimum lol

I just sat down with a nice salad and a bit of buttered roll, thought to myself yes this is much better for me then started eating it, didnt really enjoy it and felt a bit sickly :puke: went to put it in the fridge for later and saw a twirl bar staring at me :( rubbish!!
i know lol 8 pounds for a bloddy burger bet it was worth it though lol
I havent really changed the way I eat still the same as when i wasnt pregnant during the week i eat alot of chicken pasta etc at the weekends i have a takeaway as a treat and of course my fruit. I cant seem to bring myself to eat veg though just dont like it lol i havent had any strange cravings yet just choc and more choc lol
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My eating habits are fairly OK (if you ignore the chocolate :wink:). Normally I like vegetables (am better at eating these than fruit) but really not into them at the moment. Need to make more of an effort with the fruit to make up and maybe start eating salads at lunchtime. Plus, my eating would be a lot worse if SO didn't cook dinner most nights, as I'm usually tired / not in the mood!

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