Head engaged


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2005
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Hi all,

Have just been midwife and she has said that the babys head is really low. she has put in my notes 2/5 engaged.

what exactly does that mean?? is it that the head is 2/5 into the pelvis and 3/5 free or is the head is 3/5 into the pelvis and she can feel 2/5 free????? or have I totally misunderstood this??

I was 4/5 last time so im a tad confused? Help!
I think that it should mean that the head is 2/5ths free which is classed as engaged. Which would tie in with what she has said. Hopefully not long left for you now!
I think so as well, as the number descreases: from 4 to 2.

When I last saw my mw, she only wrote engaged, without any number!!! whereas the previous time, she had written 4/5...all this is very confusing, I wish they were all doing the same thing, and explaining it to us! :roll:

Hope you are ok, and baby decides to come soon :)

Mel xx
thanks to you both. It makes much more sense to me now.

Im all ready so dont really mind when the baby decides to arrive. knowing my luck he/she will be two weeks late! serve me right for being so organised. :-)
Lol Mrs G - I too have been really organised and everyone keeps telling me my baby will be early cos I am carrying really low - but I have this awful feeling I will go over two weeks and have to be induced - arghghghghghg.

My baby is head down but not yet engaged. Far too laid back like her daddy no doubt!

L x
I think im the other way.....my notes say relation to the brim and at last check LO was 3/5ths which the mw said meant that his head was in my pelvis to about his ears! 2/5ths is considered engaged apparently???
Its all so confusing!
I think it means what Faybalina says, that's how most midwives record it these days to keep it consistent.
So last time your midwife could feel 4/5 of the babies head this time she can only feel 2/5!! thats good news hunnie!!! :D
"I too have been really organised and everyone keeps telling me my baby will be early cos I am carrying really low - but I have this awful feeling I will go over two weeks and have to be induced "

just the same with me, :lol: :lol:

Everything is ready for like 2/ 3 weeks now, and yesterday went to TKmax with my mum to buy a valentines present to OH, and the lady there said "gosh, I hope you are not gonna give birth here!!!"

I was a bit at a loss of what to say, I thought, well, would be very quick if I was!!! :P

I see my MW next Tuesday, I really hope she gives me good news! I am like an elephant now, and can't do much at home! :?

Maheen, come on, show your face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Mel xx
I know exactly how you feel about cannot do much! I have just mopped the kitchen floor and now feel like im about 90! wheezing for breath and my backs killing me!

Think I need to put my feet up for the next hour with my box of Milk tray from the fridge yum!
Have just had some cherries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yummy, I love cherries!

I don't like milk, but like it if it's mixed with other taste...I bought some mars drink...am saving it for later :lol:

I don't know you, but even talking at times is difficult...I feel like I need more air! I must be about 95ish, then!!! :wink:

Mel xx

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