head engaged plus infection waa bit confused


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Im 35 +5 today and ive just had my midwife appointment.
First thing is that she had a feel and said the head was engaged :D so what does that mean lol does it mean she has just shifted downward further i know it means something like its stuck in my pelvis? Also i hear people say 2/5 engaged or 3/5 engaged, my midwife didnt say anything like that she said the head was engaged as she could only feel the shoulders. I know i should of asked but i dont think of these things at the time :oops:
Also m/w tested my urine and said i had an infection. I have to do a urine sample and will get the results next wed in 6 days but i dont understand the point of the urine sample being sent to the docs as surely in 6 days the infection would of gone?? im confused :? :?
Good news hun! :D

it should say on your pregnancy notes how far engaged your LO is. :D
I think if all she can feel is the shoulders that means fully engaged ie cant feel the head

im 2/5 meaning only the top of the head is engaged then there is 3/5 abit more down then 4/5 head almost all in place then cant feel the head

i think anyway :think: so baby may be on the way very soon. :dance:
How far along our you?

Found this

Engagement is defined by how far the baby's head has passed through the 'brim' of the pelvis, the brim being at the level of the pubic bone. You may see the level of your baby's head engagement expressed on your antenatal chart as, for example, '4/5 brim'. You may even see, on consecutive visits, the progress of engagement from '2/5 brim' to '5/5 brim' or 'fully engaged'.
Mine says 4/5 from today, i thought that meant she was only just in lol! Now i'm confused!

I know by 2nite she'll be back out again (keeps doing it) but at least she knows where she's meant to be going lol
Oh boll**** :oops:
i dont know what im talking about ive no clue as to what means plabale engaged ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Id ring her up and find out just how engaged you our

If 5 finger widths of your baby's head is felt, it is written as 5/5 palpable or 'unengaged'.

If 4 finger widths of your baby's head is felt, it is written as '4/5' palpable or 1/5 engaged.

If 3 finger widths of your baby's head is felt, it is written as '2/5' palpable or 2/5 engaged. this is me i think :think: :roll:

If 2 finger widths of your baby's head is felt, it is written as '2/5' palpable or 3/5 engaged.

If 1 finger width of your baby's head is felt, it is written as '1/5' palpable or 4/5 engaged.

If your baby's head cannot be felt it is written as 'fully engaged' or 'not palpable'
Mine must be the palable thing lol, i have a column in my notes which has ENG written at the top and she's just put 4/5 in.

I guess i'll find out in 2 weeks anyway when they check again.

Thankx for that Sarah, i thought i'd seen it written both ways before

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