He hates my homemade food:-(


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hey girls.

I am just so fed up! Daniel loves to eat and he used to love my homemade veggie/fruit purees, but, since we started on all the other foods he just not having him! I just made him salmon and veggie puree and he is screaming his head off!The same was yesterday with beef and veggie, and the day before! And I bet, if i give him some sort of jar fruit puree or youghurt he will munch it in no go! :wall: :wall:

I am really fed up! I am putting my time and my energy and trying to give him the best, but he is being pain in the ass! :cry: :wall:

The same was with breastfeeding-every single time I had to fight him for a feed, but formula-always no problems!

Why all babies are like babies and mine one is a pest??!
Is homemade food really worth it??!

:wall: :wall: :wall:
awww Carina :rotfl: :rotfl: sounds like his is being a fussy bugga...

why not add some more flavour like veg stock to your meat and veggies as the jars food are quite strong?

He may just be having a fussy 5 minutes and if its a new flavour as salmon can be quite strong may take a few times for him to get used to it. I gave amber cod once and she hated it first few times but is fine with it now.

I am lucky cos Amber will eat anything though PORKER!!
if ur gonna add stock cubes makesure its salt free.. i think u can buy baby gravy..have you tried giving him a spoon as u feed him.. might distract him.. also perhaps finger foods might help? perhaps giving him a bread soldier while u feed him so he can ahve a go himself?
amzhunny: I think you are right! he is a right little bugger :wall:

lisa: tryed spoons and finger foods-isnt interested :wall:

I will probably try one day gravy and stock cubes but at the moment I just cant face it :cry: Having a major headache and feeling so drained :cry:

It is just you are trying your best, and the result gets in the bin :wall: :evil:

I think ill just have to give him jars for a while till I can face cooking again :cry:
Aimee was the same, once she started eating more food she wouldn't touch anything I made. Used to drive me mad! Still does actually cos shes still the same now, so fussy. Shed rather go without than eat my cooking.
Imogen werent keen on some of min and she got constipated too on them so i sstched back to jars and shes happy as larry.

Im not putting myself through thast agony again! she does eat lots of finger foods though so im not too devastated.
kellie and mrs. t : good to know that we are not alone. It is just so frustraiting :cry:

Will have to go with the jars :(
aww i dont feel guity about the jars - the Hipps organic and quite tasty amd she gobbles it down so im going to give her what she likes as lonmg as its healthy, im pleased with her as she has a good varied diet. But without going OTT.

Dont worry about it as long as little ones happy and gaining weight feel no shame!

They may be cute but they can be a pain in the ass!
tell me about it! I make batches of lovely stuff from my baby recipe book like shepherds pie and meditteranean veg, and she'll eat it reluctantly, but when I offer her something out of a jar that smells disgusting like cauilflower and broccoli cheese she wolfs it down! :wall: (then does really stinky burps urgh! :puke: )
And th poos with jars are minging, thats another downside!

I chsnged her nappy thisd morning and the smell knocked me back! and i was thinking out loud changing her, this is what I said -

' I remeber when your brother used to have poos like this'

How gross lol! :puke: :rotfl:

Im officially nutty
Guess what!

Bought some Hipp Organic puree (turkey with vegetables) and apple and pear pudding and he munched all of the first one and half of the second! :D

paris was like that too but I found just making her things like bacon, mash and veggies worked :D

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