HCG levels after a MMC


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2017
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Just wondering whether the midwife routinely checks your hcg levels after miscarriage. Im having mva on Friday due to a MMC. We are both devasted but thought of ttc quickly after mva procedure is keeping us going. I know women can be more fertile after MC and hoping this will be the case, although trying not to be too optimistic!

Ive read hcg takes on average a couple of weeks to get down to pre pregnancy level, which will hopefully mean you will then ovulate. Just wondered how i would check if they dont routinely check them after MC? Can i take hcg tests and assume when line faint or gone but hcg has returned to normal?
Hi melly,

They wouldn't ordinarily test your HCG and to be honest they don't offer any way of finding out yourself either which is frustrating I know. That is sort of why they often say wait until your next AF has been, just so they can date everything and be sure another BFP would be a real one. That's not to say you should wait,...I know exactly how you feel. Just crack on if you want to, give it a couple of weeks yeh for the hcg to wear off before you check on an OPK to avoid a false positive and then maybe use your usual methods of determining ovulation to work it out. I'm not sure how far along you are, but I would just say don't necessarily expect to go back to normal straight away it can take a cycle or two.. good luck!
Thanks 1sttimer thats helpful to know. I should have been 11 + 1 but found out friday last week the heart stop beating 8 + 1 in a routine scan. Had no symptoms so classed as mmc. Having mva this friday so hoping i will ovulate around 2 weeks after bit like you day it might take a couple of cycles for it to get back to normal. I hadnt thought of using opk's. If hcg still in system, should opk show up as negative until hcg out of system? I thought i could just use a cheapie hcg test and if no double line then hcg must have gone?? Feel a bit clueless. Have my pre-mva appt with midwife tom so feel i dont want to bombard her with questions.....altho thats unlikely as have so much going around in my head at the moment! Thanks again for your response x
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I got a big pack of cheapies online and just tested once a day/every other day until there was no line.
Seemed like the easiest way. Found it quite frustrating though as I thought the line would be gone faster than it was!! :(
Opks will be postive until there is no hcg in your system. :(
Thanks thats helpful to know. Still have a load of cheapies! How do you know if youre ovulating though or if its still hcg in your system. Was hoping to ovulate 2 weeks after mva as i know some women ovulate before their first af after mc. Did you have a natural mc or mva/d & c? I hope things are back to normal for you now....How long did it take in the hcg to have gone for you?
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I had a natural miscarriage just after 6weeks and it was about 2 weeks before I got completely stark white tests again. I used opks on some days too and they were all positive.

After I got a negative preg test the opks got fainter and then got darker. AF came bang on 15 days after the one I counted as positive.

I think I'm already back to normal, just waiting for my second AF following the mc, my last seemed to run as normal so I imagine this one will too. AF is expected tomorrow or Thursday and already had signs to say it's on the way!
I hope your time will come soon. Its just such an emotional rollercoaster......you have to have the patience of a saint! I can imagine it will take a bit longer as heart stopped around 8+1. Just wondering if it might be a bit quicker as having mva.... so impatient! :wall:
Thanks, seems this is not the time as af looks to be on the way.
We're going back to not trying, I can't take another month of opks and making sure to dtd enough in fertile week. :(

Hopefully someone else who has had mva could advise? I would have thought it could speed the hcg drop up but no idea!
Hopefully you'll be back ttc for your rainbow before you know it xx
Thanks millie. Will keep my fingers crossed for you too. I really hope the witch stays away and you get your rainbow baby. Its so difficult month after month. We were ttc for months last year and gave up in march this year. Came back pregnant from our holiday to italy....had not been expecting it as had been drinking coffee and wine and not taking folic acid as didnt think it was going to happen. GP thought it was because i was more relaxed! Even though my little bean didnt stick, at least i know its possible to conceive again. Lets hope your af doesnt arrive for another 9 months.....at least!
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Sorry to hear melly. My hcg too a while to go down. Had bloods every 2-3 weeks. If you get the internet cheapies you could use them between bloods maybe? I got the 10ml ones so super sensitive.

They told me I wouldn't ovulated till it went down and they were right. I actually ovulated normal time after AF. I had a natural MC so may be different for you. I never had the gap between MC and AF bleeding though. EPU weren't convinced it was AF but GP was sure it was as I was hormonal and spotty and then ovulated 14 days after and next AF came bang on time. You know your own body so just try and tune into what it's telling you
Thanks pinkz....it sounds like a waiting and i certainly no stranger to that! Have my pre-mva appt now....just in waiting room now. Just want to get back to normal quickly so we can ttc! Patience is not one of my strong points! X
Oh yea my personal waiting game was pretty drawn out. I've never been so fed up! Hopefully you can get sorted quickly. It's a horrible thing but I think it's made worse the longer it takes you to get back to normal. I felt like every day was a constant reminder.

Good luck
Hi Melly,

Sorry to hear that. It's just the worst feeling. I was 16 weeks and had to have a managed MC due to PROMS, I mention it purely as I pretty much went back to normal straight after even that far along, so you'll probably find it doesn't take long once your body is aware of what's happened (with it being a MMC) My AF was/is longer at 32 days instead of the usual 28 but this has gone down a day with each new month and according to OPK's I'm still ovulating at the same time as I was, so I think these bodies of ours are pretty resilient. I hope you're ok, stay positive if you can, but also just feel sad when you need to, don't put pressure on yourself to be 'normal' again too quickly - there is no such thing!! x
Thanks 1sttimer. I have been up and down. Was tearful for few days after then again just before pre mva appt on weds and feel okay today. I know ill be up and down for a little longer yet. Sorry to here you had mc too and at 16 wks. That must have been really tough. Ive always been regular and have short cycles of 25 days so it it goes up 2 or 3 days i shall not be too gutted! I hope you are able to catch soon. Its really positive to hear you are ovulating....i guess its just being patient! Arggghhh.....they need to take that word out of the English dictionary! Thanks for your kind words x
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Hi all
Had to join a forum because my miscarriage and trying again is all I can think about. When I'm at work I have my mind on other things but as soon as I'm home or it's the weekend in teary and so sad.
It's been 2+3 days since my MC.
Soon as the bleeding stopped ( 1 week later ) we started trying again

Loads of false positive on ovulation tests but only realised that after the 6th smiley face on a digital test :(
False hope

Miscarried at 10 weeks ... baby stopped developing around week 5
2 sacs

How long until HCG disappears? :( anyone gone through a similar thing and can give me an idea?
Sorry about your loss EFAR.its truly devasting. After my 1st mmc my hcg returned to normal around 16-17 days after 1st day of bleed. I had mva procedure as wanted to start ttc again. I fell again in dec but sadly just found out ive had another mmc so opting for MM, the process of which begins tom. Hope your hcg returns to normal soon and wish you luck in ttc again when youre ready. X
Sorry about your loss EFAR.its truly devasting. After my 1st mmc my hcg returned to normal around 16-17 days after 1st day of bleed. I had mva procedure as wanted to start ttc again. I fell again in dec but sadly just found out ive had another mmc so opting for MM, the process of which begins tom. Hope your hcg returns to normal soon and wish you luck in ttc again when youre ready. X

I'm so so sorry. I can't imagine going through a miscarriage, getting pregnant again then having to deal with it all again. Please try and stay strong- I'm so sorry for you loss.
Thanks for your help. I guess I have to just wait and trust my body.
Good luck with everything tomorrow - sending hugs
I have had 3 miscarriages within the past 10months... Ranging from 5-8 weeks. With all of them a pregnancy test was negative within a week, sometimes less. I think it just depends. Some people have said it takes weeks but none of mine did! With each one I had a normal period in-between then fell pregnant again. Just got to wait for one to stick!!
I have had 3 miscarriages within the past 10months... Ranging from 5-8 weeks. With all of them a pregnancy test was negative within a week, sometimes less. I think it just depends. Some people have said it takes weeks but none of mine did! With each one I had a normal period in-between then fell pregnant again. Just got to wait for one to stick!!

I really admire your determination. So sorry for your losses
Hoping the next time results in a healthy baby x
I guess everyone is different
I'm still picking up HGC it's been almost 3 weeks and been 'ovulating' everyday and cheap pregn8anxy tests are coming up with a very light positive.
Waiting game :(

Good luck to you xx

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