Having Early Scan!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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Went to the doctors on Friday, and as I'm unsure about how far I am (hoping it's 7 weeks now) they said I need an early scan. I know it sounds silly, but I am excited, it will make it seem real. Even though the constant sickness/ hunger is a positive ( yet annoying sign). Just thought I would share this with you all, can't wait to see my baby, even if it will be the size of a pea!! :D :D

Enjoy!!! I had an early scan and it was amazing, it does help to make it real, although it has worn off now and I cant believe it again, good job I have another scan next Monday
aww, hope all goes well! wish i cud have an early scan, im really impatient not long to wait tho...21st july i have my 12 weeks scan :D
Good luck, everything will be fine.
I am having my 12 week scan next Tuesday and I will be 13 weeks.
I have waited 6 weeks for next Tuesday to come around so I cant wait!!!
Enjoy it and look forward to your 12 weeks one.
Good luck with the scan...I had a scan at 7 weeks and saw the heartbeat. I had a wee cry too. xxx
Great stuff. Im so jelous! :oops: lol Hope every thing is ok.
Excellent! I bet you'll love it. Must admit to being slightly jealous too! The more I think about it, the more I think they should just be standard around 7 or 8 weeks, so that nobody has to sit around for weeks wondering if everything is ok.
enjoy your scan hun its amazing!
i had an early scan aswell, might sound stupid but it made my pregnancy more real
let us no how u get on
x sophie x
Yay Jenni,

Itll be so exctiting you have to post the pics!! I had a scan with isla ay 6+4 days and she looked like a jelly bean.

PS I am now 4 days past AF due and hoping !!!! BFN 3 days ago but will test the end of the week if nothing! :roll: :pray:

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