Having contractions

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Fingers crossd this is it :pray:

Went for a good walk last night and shortly after began getting what felt like quite bad period pains. Figuring I'd overdone it, I tried a bath to ease it but it didn't do a lot f good. Ended up wandering round the house until about 5am when I managed to get about 4 hours sleep. A pain woke me up and I shrugged it off, I've had tightenings and cramps all day but didn't click until they began getting stronger and seemed to have a pattern. Now they've gotten to 8 minutes apart and are definately strengthening.

Oh God please let this be it, I'm 41 weeks today and fed up of being pregnant!
sounds good hun how exciting :cheer:
u will b seeing ur LO soon yay
fab news little bump. i had got worried about you for a bit there...
hope this is the beginning of it all for you. Ive postponed by induction today so now not having it until saturday as mw thinks i might go on my own before then... *fingers crossed*
Thanks guys. I'm booked in for induction wednesday but hopefully we're going for it. I've been losing like raw eggwhite and blood all day so the remainder of my plug? Too thick to be discharge so I assume so.

I just thought I'd overdone it but the period type cramps began going into my back and legs, that's when I began to take notice, as they then began to coincide with the tightening.

If it's NOT labour then I definately don't want to be in labour as this is getting pretty painful now! Might be making it worse as timing them means I'm expecting them and probably tensing up. It doesn't matter what I'm doing the pains remain the same, sitting, standing, walking, lying down etc doesn't alter the strength of them so definately looking promising.

Good luck popping before saturday hun :hug:
Fingers crossed for you!
I keep coming here for updates!!!
:cheer: :cheer:
this definitely sounds like labour to me!!

I hope it progresses quickly, and it won't be long til you have your LO in your arms :D
Here's my last couple of contraction timer reports

Start Time End Time Duration Frequency

08:25:45 pm 08:26:14 pm 29 secs 7 mins, 46 secs
08:17:59 pm 08:17:59 pm 34 secs 6 mins, 53 secs
08:11:05 pm 08:11:52 pm 47 secs
Ooooh come on pain train!! Get your arse round to Sam's house! :cheer:

I so hope this is it for you sweetie! Sydnee's fully cooked (well, OVER cooked now) so she's just being a stuborn little madam :shakehead:

Come on Syds!! Time to pop on out! xx

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