having a rough patch again


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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im really suffering with Braydon again we got to the stage where he was waking in the nite but re-settling himself, but then he cought ANOTHER chest infection and weve gone back to going to sleep at 9,9.30-7 and waking up twice in the nite and needing to be comforted im so tired and really feeling stressed and down at the moment!
also he is being so naughty in the day he is taking the coals of the fire place trying to climb onto the coffee table, messing with the DVD player etc all thing hed stopped doing till about 2 weeks ago, he is only really bad for me is a little angel for my mum and dad which make everything worse, then i get the well he isnt like that for us tlk which makes me feel even worse, im starting to get to the stage of thinking maybe hed be better off without me and to stay in my mum and dad, i love him so much but he just seems not to want to know me at all the whole time its nana and 'dadda' even at 5 in the morning it was 'dada''dada' made me feel useless! i cant even comfort him wen he is upset only wants his nany and grandad :cry: :cry: :cry:
why does he not want to know his mummy???

((hugs)). Elliott does the whole "putting on an act for others" thing too- I think it might be because they are more relaxed with you plus with you he knows he has his major relationship/attachment and right now he has started to test the limits of what you will allow or what he can do. Just recently Mel does this thing of fixing my gaze and then doing something that he knows I don't want him to do. It's kind of like "I dare to do this so what are you going to do about it" but not really aggressive, it's more like an experiment. He is always putting blocks in and out of boxes, trying to fit things together and working out how things work- like a little scientist and I think that a lot of their behaviour that they know you don't want them to do is like that- an experiment to see what will happen and what you will do about it. It's very tiring- last week he just spent the whole time turning the volume on the front of the TV right up to the top using the buttons on the front which he did about a month ago and then seemed to stop doing. The more I told him not to the more he did it so in the end I turned the TV off ha ha! Sussed! He also does this with his food at lunch, he'll wait until he eyeballs me and then hold the fist with food on it over the side of the chair- if I react he drops it, if I shrug he tends to laugh and eat it anyway. I'm only guessing my way too but I think that if you've given them enough warnings then removing them or the source of annoyance from the situation seems to work. Otherwise it becomes a game in which you get more and more wound up. Perhaps your mum and dad let him get away with more?

You are a fab mum Sarah and he's best off with you rather than anyone else in the world because you're his mum, he's different with you because he's closer to you.

Hope it eases up hun, Mel has been ill on and off for the last month and it's a nightmare I know- you feel like you've gone backwards don't you?

Awww hun you're doing a brill job! Aaron is just like Braydon! He's really naughty at the moment and will not listen to anything I say to him unless it involves him eating or getting a drink. He's always climbing on the chairs in the dining room and then onto the table which he falls off of. I have to just keep saying no and putting him back down. If he really won't listen I put him in his highchair to stop him and take his mind off of it. He has so many toys and won't play with them he wants all the things he shouldn't have. I am gradually getting through to him but he has his days where he really won't listen. If you feel like you're going mad put him in the pushchair and go for a walk. I take Aaron everyday just for a break really! I show him trees, dogs, grass, cars pretty much everything :lol: It's just a matter of distraction. It is really hard though! Aaron won't sleep through the night either, he goes through a stage of going the whole night and then he's awake and wanting in bed with us again. It does my head in but I know one day he'll just stop.

Just remember hun you're his mummy and he loves you more than anyone! He just knows he can push you and he's seeing how far he can go. Hang in there hun you're doing an amazing job! :hug:

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