having a really bad day


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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i have had a really bad day today, i woke up feeling really down, couldnt be bothered to do anything, for some reason i cant seem to get my recent loss out of my head, i thought i was dealing with it but i feel back to square one today, my little girl had probabally picked up on how im feeling and is really playing up, she had been like a child from supernanny today, god i could be doing with her right now, it got that bad there that i actually put her in her room and held the handle until she calmed down :oops:. My girls meen the world to me and my m/c have made me realise how special they are i dont want to take anything out on them.
Sorry for the rant but i had to let off some steam, i just had a go at dh who was watching football whilst this was going on
I have been trying for a bfp since my loss in august with no joy, i know this doesnt seem long but it seems like an eternity. Im wondering if i should stop ttc and appreciate the family that i have.
Sorry to hear you had a bad day yesterday :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know how you feel, I had a real downer on Sunday, was in floods of tears for the first time in ages. We all have our bad days, and it's totally understandable - you've been through so much, and August really isn't a long time ago, so don't beat yourself up! :hug:

You never know, you may get your BFP in the next few days :pray:

Maybe you should take a step back from TTC and just 'not prevent', I know how it can take over your whole life. I'd told myself that if I wasn't pg this month, I'd take a month or two off to get fit and lose a bit of weight. As soon as I'd made that decision, I got my BFP!

I'm sure it will happen for you very soon.

Take care x :hug: :hug: :hug:
im sorry hunny

i know how you feel i to go through good and bad days, yesturday was middle and today feel bit down.

just wish our turn would hurry up soon.

Our angles are watching over us dont forget that.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm sorry Claire :hug: I know what you mean about being back to square one. That has happened to me several times over the last few months. I hope you feel better soon hun. :hug:
Hi there Claire!

Im sorry to hear you feeling a bit pants tonight :hug:

I have been trying for a bfp since my loss in august with no joy, i know this doesnt seem long but it seems like an eternity.

Do you think thats part of the reason your feeling low? Sometimes when we are trying and it isnt happening we think of what could of been with the lost one, does that make sense? Do you think maybe thats why?

Just because you already have a family it doesnt mean you cant have an addition and maybe even that in itself might get you low aswell you thinking how it would be nice to add to your family.

We all have our off days on and today was yours and thats ok hopefully by tomorrow you wont feel so low and hopefully you will get your BFP in time for christmas!!! ;)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know what you mean about having set-back days. It's odd because I've never had them when I've been grieving before, I guess it's a different kind of experience because it's so related to your body and your hormones and of course those things are reminding you in all sorts of ways.

Hope you feel better soon
:hug: :hug:
thanks :hug:
i think your right sharne i really thought i would have got my bfp by now and af is due anytime now so my hormones are all over the place just now, and although i had a really great holiday it has made me feel worse being back home to reality, and in the past few days there is 3 mothers in my girls nursery who have announced their pregnancies :x, and 2 others have had their babies and everyone is cooing over them, i just feel so left out, most of the mothers knew i was pregnant as i was showing early on but not one has asked me about it, but i can see them looking at my belly and wondering, the other day my 3 yr old looked at a pregnant women and then turned to me and asked when my baby was coming, this really upset me as when it happened i tried my best to explain to the girls what had happened and i thought they kind of understood :(
sorry for ranting again it just comes out :oops:
Your not ranting... Its ok to discuss it here :hug:

That must have been really hard with regards to your little one asking about the baby :(

I know it will happen for us eventually but at the same time the waiting/getting AF's etc can be quite hard sometimes very tramatic for ppl who have been trying for a while like you...

I know when hormones are running wild it can seem like things are ten times harder....

:hug: :hug:

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