Having a "fed up" day....long rant!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
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i am soooooooo fed up atm.
My feeling sick came back at week 20, so about 10 mins after i eat i feel sick and if i dont eat i feel sick, so i cant win either way! And the backache that ive been having everyday lately!
I have my flat to decorate, ive done 1 room and already i'm knackered and fed up of it, i have the living room, hallway, bedroom and kitchen left to do and i dunno how i'm gonna get it all done before babys here....i have help from my bro but he works long hours so i dont wanna take advantage, i have help from my bf but he has a bad back so after awhile hes in pain!
Plus theres the money to do it all, or lack of money! My council were trying to charge me over £400 for council tax/housing benefit overpayment (which was a mistake on there part) and ive only just sorted out the council tax part, but i cant pay rent as i dont know how much the housing benefit is, so now ive got a letter saying i'm 2 weeks in arrears! Ive been down the council countless times to sort this out but there bloody useless!! I was overpaid £40 in housing benefit (all this confusion because i had to do a mutual exchange to stop a family member being kicked out of their home) but there trying to say its over £200 so ive gotta go back yet again to try sort this out!
My cat died on the 11th, i had him over 15 years and he died suddenly in my arms, so ive been crying alot over that!
I feel soooo fat atm, i can see it on my hips and legs but i hardly have a bump! I just wanna sit around eating cake because i'm so fed up....yet i lost a stone just before i got pregnant, and now i watch while it piles on again.
Plus family members have bought us stuff for the baby and expect we use them, even though we wanted to get these things ourselves! I have a blue buggy (bought before i found out i was having a girl) and although its lovely i want a pink 1, so i'm gonna have to sell it (to buy another one) and make up some excuse as not to upset the person who bought it for me! I have had a proper childs wardrobe and chest of drawers set bought, but i live in a small 1 bedroom flat, ive hardly any space and now i have to find room for that as not to upset the person who just bought it suddenly! I appreciate that there trying to help, but i'm fed up of having other peoples taste in baby stuff thrown at me, and i have to use the stuff or face an argument....ARGHHHH.
I'm hoping writing this down will calm me down abit, as i dont wanna stress my baby out anymore than i have done already!
I'm sorry this is a long rant, just this has been building up over the past month and i had to get it of my chest :?
Awww hun Im sorry that your feeling so crappy - have a hug :hug: Im sure things will get better soon, I'll leave the advice to others on here as everyone is great and I am so hopeless with advice...which kinda sucks as you have been great with your replies when Ive been ranting :D

Again, I hope your feeling better soon xxx
Money-wise - I'd recommend writing to the council - explain what's going and ask them to clarify what you owe from the date you moved in etc. Keep all their letters and if someone speaks to you on the phone, ask them to confirm the conversation in writing. That way everything will be clearly written down and you and the council should be able to sort it out.

Decroating wise - split each room into tiny chunks and do a chunk a day i.e. paint skirting boards. That way you feel like you're making progress and maybe your OH can do a few of the tiny chunks before being in pain. Then given the slightly larger chunks or more chunks to your brother to do.

Fat-wise - I have a bump but look fat at the moment. I'm got going to stress over it as there's nothing I can do. Just let your body do it's thing and once the pregnancy is over, we'll be too busy to obsess over what's left.

I find that days when I spend loads of time sitting round etc I feel more tired than usual and start to get a bit ranty about everything. Try occupying yourself with a short walk or playing a computer game - it takes my mind off things.

I hope you feel better soon!
Frog99 said:
Money-wise - I'd recommend writing to the council - explain what's going and ask them to clarify what you owe from the date you moved in etc. Keep all their letters and if someone speaks to you on the phone, ask them to confirm the conversation in writing. That way everything will be clearly written down and you and the council should be able to sort it out.

Decroating wise - split each room into tiny chunks and do a chunk a day i.e. paint skirting boards. That way you feel like you're making progress and maybe your OH can do a few of the tiny chunks before being in pain. Then given the slightly larger chunks or more chunks to your brother to do.

Fat-wise - I have a bump but look fat at the moment. I'm got going to stress over it as there's nothing I can do. Just let your body do it's thing and once the pregnancy is over, we'll be too busy to obsess over what's left.

I find that days when I spend loads of time sitting round etc I feel more tired than usual and start to get a bit ranty about everything. Try occupying yourself with a short walk or playing a computer game - it takes my mind off things.

I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks ladies
i'm just having a case of the dreaded hormones i think :( I was nearly crying yesterday about an advert on the tv about cruelty to bears, the ad was only about 2 mins long!!!!!

Ive kept all the letters from the council, and when i go see them next week, boy are they gonna get it!!!
Hope everyone else is having a good day x

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