having a bad day!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2006
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I'm having a bad day today. I know it sounds daft but I'm finding I just feel wracked with guilt and anxiety the whole time that I'm a crap mum! I worry that I don't spend enough time amusing and playing with Rowan. It's just hard because she's not at the stage where I can really play with her and she isn't interested in toys yet. I feel at a bit of a loss as to what to do with her, especially when she gets grumpy. Am I stupid to feel this way? It just isn't something that comes naturally to me. i've already cried once today. She likes to sit up on my lap if I support her head and study my face and I copy faces and noises she makes etc. She also like to lay on the floor and have a kick but these things only keep her amused so long. If that fails I usually take her out for a walk. I just always feel like I'm doing a rubbish job.

What do you ladies do to amuse your little ones and how much time each day do you spend doing it?
i'm in the boat. She s in a swing atm and fallen asleep but i spend hours talking to her, taping things and getting her to do the same!!

I feel terrible when i'm not playing or cuddling her. Been told the guilt never goes (great!!)

Sounds like your doing a fab job. I was told that if you feel guilty you have bonded well :D
Thanks girls and so glad I'm not the only one feeling guilty. I never imagined motherhood would be like this, and it never goes?! :shock:

Now I know exactly what my mum meant when she said you never stop worrying!

KYLIE - I just ordered that book you recommended and also another couple of baby development and entertaining books. Hopefully that will give me some ideas.
Good! It's got some nice ideas - as well as some stuff you prob already do like Go to the supermarket! Finn is only just, at 3 mths, starting to play with stuff - he wont play with a ball or teddy for example, but he will grab hold of the things hanging down from his play mat and he'll laugh and coo at his mobile!
dont worry hun. its natural to feel like that when baby's so young and is not smiling or showing any sign of recognition that u are doing a good job. but it WILL come later, i promise, and its SO rewarding! just try be patient, i kno its hard tho :hug:

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