Having a bad day :(


Active Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Don't know whats the matter with me the last few days. I just feel so exhausted and sad and weepy. I'm sitting at my desk at work and I feel like I could literally just burst into tears. I just don't know why as I am usually quite a cheery kind of girl. I'm 5 DPO today so its not that I am disappointed about a bfn or anything (although as a lot of us do I'm sure I get the 'will it ever happen for me' niggles now and again).

Not even really sure why I am posting - just wanted to talk to someone :(

Awwww sorry to hear ur feeling down, maybe try busy urself with some work to take youur mind off things?

I sometimes think will it ever happen too but stop myself there thinkin it will be my time soon and all I can do is wait, good things come to all those who wait hun.

Big hugs, hope u feel better soon xx
Hey Hun,

Sorry to read your feeling this way.... I think this whole process is draining sometiomes there are so many highs and lows and it's not until you have time that you actually feel things rather than just get on with life!!

Hope you feel better soon!!

Sorry to hear this hun, TTC is such an emotional rollercoaster. Tomorrow you will probably be back to your usual chirpy self.

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:hugs: this is how i felt a few days ago waiting for AF to come, its so hard and I was so weepy for days. Its heartbreaking seeing that BFN but keep your chin up sweety, we will have our snudges soon
Aw bless you :hugs: sorry ur feeling down. Maybe go out for evening, do something different to take your mind off ttc :) x x
I get just the same sometimes feel like crying and dont know why, its really tough this ttc but you have to just try and think that someday soon you will get that bfp and then all this heartache n wondering etc will b worth it.

Michelle. x

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