Having a bad day today


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Don't know what to say but ARGHHHH !!

Dom is under the weather at the mo - he had an allergic reaction yesterday and came out in a bad rash all over his body. Went to docs yesterday and all is ok and will settle down, but all he has done today is cry. Medicine does not make any difference and all he does is cry.

It's the first time I have had to put him down really crying and walk away for a few minutes to calm down. I feel really guilty for walking away and letting him cry. I will go to him very shortly, after I type this but I just feel so crap nothing is working.

I know it's one of those things and he will be fine tomorrow and go down ok tonight (hopefully) but I just feel so guilty and tired and crap.

Aw poor you...((hugs))
I can imagine how hard it is, and am dreading the time when Charlotte is poorly. Dont feel bad hun.
Hope you have a good night tonight xx
Thanks Hels, he has just gone down to sleep with no probs, normally he is down at 7pm but he is so shattered I have literally just put him down. I think all that crying did him in, and me.

And going to chat on here for a wee bit then probably go to bed myself, I haven't even got any energy to get myself any food and other half is out tonight - I can't moan about that as it's the first time he has been out on his own for a night out since Dom was born - 6 months ago - so i think he has earned a night out.

Sending you big big hugs hunnie - chatting to you on MSN now but wanted to send you even more hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks matey.

Just checked on Dom and he was fine. It's just hard sometimes, even at this age, when you have done everything you can, all the options, and they still cry.

I am feeling a bit better now just emotionally drained.

Hi minikins.....
Hope Dom was settled through the night and that you got some rest!
Emilia xx
I second that. Poor Dom, do you know what caused the reaction. Hope he is feeling much better today and you are too x
Thanks guys, his rash is down today.

We think it was tomatoe as he only had that for the second time shortly before the reaction. The doctor says reactions normally happen the second time they have something not the first as the body goes 'oh not this again I remember I didn't like it last time'.

He has been a little grouchy today and been sleeping a lot so he must need it.

Feel a bit better today just so drained, still OH is coming home from work early to help today.
There have been a few times where I've had to walk away to calm down and I felt horrible for doing it, but we'll function much better if we're calm and collected. It's not easy being a mommy, that's for sure!

Glad you're feeling better and his rash is going away!
Blimey things have still be hard. Dom has had the runs since last week and was sick last night, the out of hours doctor said to go to hospital with him, so we did. It was not an emergancy it was like an out of hours doc surgery.

They were great there and examined him and said he was ok and not dehydrated so keep breastfeeding and give rice but no other weaned foods for a while.

I am glad Dom is ok, I thought he was not too ill as he kept smiling etc and seems in good spirits but they say if they have the trots for more than two days get them checked and with the sickness I was concerned. I am so run down with it all as I had the bug on Saturday.

Still Dom is feeling better today and hopefully we are all on the mend. I have to get out the house soon I am going bonkers !!
Poor Doms, hope you are both feeling better soon and getting out x
Bless you hun (hug) glad Dom is doing better now. Never heard of an allergy to tomatoes before, random. But the I'm allergic to plasters and my sister is to chocolate ice cream so what can I say.

Hope things are looking up a bit today, it really can drag you down after more than a couple of days of them being ratty. I'm here if you need a chat xxx
Thanks Sami, we are both off to my mum's today for TLC and distraction and are staying the night so that should be good.

I am also taking Dom to be weighed - have not done this for over a month - what a bad mum I am ;)
How much did he weigh today? Have a good time at your mums, try and rest some xxx

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