haven't been on here for so long and find TTc so demoralising


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Hi ladies,

To cut the story short, this forum was my second home 6 years ago when I was preggers with my daughter. Have been wanting a second child since she was 1 year old, but did not really TTC properly for 2 more years because I moved out of the UK into a new job and a pregnancy would have jeopardised my work, and our budget too (pregnancy is not covered for the first 2 years of placement at my job).
Then, hubby was not particularly interested and so it was on and off and TTc was just really me secretly hoping it would work out and of course...it did not.
Now Maheen is 6 years old and I am desperate. I am going to be 36 this year, I have an ongoing health problem (back and neck) that is only going to get worse, basically I don't think I have much time left before I cannot take care of a baby....and I want this so badly.

The last 2 cycles have been completely strange, with shorter and darker 9sorry TMI) periods approx. one week or 10 days before my actual AF.
Last month, I really thought I was pregnant but AF caught me and so I was very depressed. I started taking pregnacare conception vitamins.
I was in Pakistan then (hubby's home country) for holidays and have done some blood tests.
Ostradiol came VERY low (12) but everything else was fine. I got even more confused.
What could this mean?

On Saturday (CD20), I had my progesterone tested and it came back 18.99ng/ml, which seems to be fine too.

My last AF started on the 18th and I expect my next one to start on 18th Jan again, that's how my cycle seems to be these past few months.

I have started using OPKs but I can't make sense of them, I live in China and everything is written in Chinese, so I don't have any advice on how to use them. I have read a few posts and it seems you need to use more than one a day for a week or so, which i haven't been doing...they aren't cheap these OPKs here, and I had no clue!

The more I read on here the more confused i am: when/if i get a dark line on the OPK, does this mean It is too late to DTD?
TBH, I have never got dark lines but only faded ones... How am I supposed to intepret these lines? Help :)

To finish off, for the past 2 days, I have had pains in my lower tummy starting late afternoon and on for most of the evening. Still there when I go to sleep at 10:30pm. In the morning, no pain.
Usually, I bleed after DTD and sometimes (TMI) after a bowel movement. my lining is quite thik (maybe too thick) but this month, we have DTD more than usual and no blood yet.

no symptoms otherwise.

I need your input girls, and your advice. I basically have no clue when or even if I ovulate. I don't have a good thermometer, buying one here in China seems like mission impossible :wall2: so I don't really know what to do.

Phew, that was long, sorry, I am quite confused and really keen to get preggers (but hubby thinks we should let nature takes its course and not interfere with meds or particular efforts...if you see what I mean, so whatever I do, I have to do it in a pretty secret fashion!)


Melhoney :wave:
Sorry hun iv not had any tests done so can not help you, im also 36 and taking Pregnacare Conceive tablets im also taking Agnus Catus to help with my cycles as they are all over the place!

Welcome back and I hope you get some advise from some of the lovely girls on here! :) x
Thanks pink butterfly ( my daughter would looove your nick! Lol).
i nrver heard of agnus catus...will look it up. I am due to see a doctor on the 23rd...i am just so impatient i guess and i know i am very clumsy with all this ttc! Looks like real science to me and i am lost :(
had baby 1 so easily we never planned and since...well i dont understand...
Iv been taken AC for about 3 months now and my last 2 cycles wher approx 28 days but didnt take it this moth and im now on cd16 and still have not OV....so that has teached me to take them!

I do use OPK sticks now and then but not all the time as I use a Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, what I understnad is it depends on your cycle length when you start using them. For example if you have a 28 day cycle you start on cd8 (or it could be 10) and you wee into a pot and dip the stick into the urine but dont let it go over the black mark. Then you will see one line and if another line shows and it is the same as the main line you are about to OV. A lot of girls on here sometimes get lines but not as dark but for them it still means they are about to OV. As I say not an expert with this so prob best to ask others also. :) x

You could also find out about Temping but again i dont do this either so not much of a help to you....Sorry! x
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