Have you got room for a little one in here?????????


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Hi ladies :wave:

I pop in now and again just to see how it's all going for you all but I got my BFP this morning (well 4 of them actually because I didn't beleive the first 3 :rotfl: ) so I was wondering if you minded if I joined you in here??? :hug:

Me and my DH have been in TTC since we came back from our honeymoon in June last year. We started off taking things as they came then gradually progreesed to ops, charting the works!!

We finally told a little white lie and saw the doc earlier this month to get tests underway and low and behold we have our BFP!!

We're both so shocked and happy by it and all we did was sit there and cry for about 10 minutes

I'm so excited to be in first tri I can't tell you :hug: :hug:
Congrats again Chrissy!!! Looking forward to going thru the next 8 months with you. :hug:

What a lovely Valentines pressie!! :D

Good luck with the next 8 months! xx
Hey Chrissy :wave:


I remember you rom the TTC section as we officially started TTC near the same time (we started after our wedding on July the 6th!)

I'm so so pleased for you both! And i wish you a lovely happy and healthy 9 months!!

A Huge congrats again!!! Have a happy, and healthy 9 months!!!!!

Amy xx
That's excellent! Welcome to Tri 1 babe :cheer: Hoorah for you and your OH!!!

(Are there many others from TTC who got a BFP in the testathon today?)

:cheer: :cheer:

Congratulations Chrissy I remember you being in TTC when I first joined.

I am so pleased for you hon :D
dannii87 - I think there's 4 of us so far. There's a couple who are due to test but who haven't posted yet to say what they got so there's potential of a few more.

Little miss pink - yeah I can remember you got your BFP not long after we'd been trying. I've been popping in and out of the tri's to see how you're getting along. I've loved watching all the TTCers getting their BFP's and then following them through. Can't believe it's my turn now.

thanks for all the congratulations everyone....still doesn't seem real!

When does it finally sink in???
Still hasn't sunk in for me yet! Hoping once the scan comes through I'll believe it :lol:

hope you have a h & h 9 months hunni.

it sunk in for me when the sickness started. :doh:
Chrissy1 said:
dannii87 - I think there's 4 of us so far. There's a couple who are due to test but who haven't posted yet to say what they got so there's potential of a few more.

Little miss pink - yeah I can remember you got your BFP not long after we'd been trying. I've been popping in and out of the tri's to see how you're getting along. I've loved watching all the TTCers getting their BFP's and then following them through. Can't believe it's my turn now.

thanks for all the congratulations everyone....still doesn't seem real!

When does it finally sink in???

That's brilliant! Can't wait for them to come in so we can welcome them :D

Mine only sunk in when I saw the little monkey on the scan screen - couldn't believe it was really there...

It will become real when your boobs start throbbing and you can't keep your eyes open past 8pm :sleep: lol!!

I'm so happy for you hun I really am :D

TBH it still hasn't sunk in for me :oops: :oops: :oops:

I keep saying to my other half "Are we really going to have a baby?" I just expect someone to jump out and go ha ha it was all a big joke your not really pregnant!"

I've got a bump and everything now and it still hasn't sunk in so i don't think its gonna sink in with me until them labour pains come!!

Welcome to first tri hun. It started to sink in for me when the sickness started. I hope that you don't suffer like I did. Congratulations again :hug:

Congratulations Chrissy :cheer: I thought your chart was looking really good :cheer: Wishing you a very happy and healthy nine months :D
cheers mildly. TBH I'd sort of written off my chart for the past two weeks because I've been poorly with a fever and bornchitis so i didn't hold too much weight in it. I think that's why I was so shocked when I got a BFP this morning.

I'm just :pray: :pray: everything goes ok now!!

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