Has my doctor got it wrong?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
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Afternoon all, hope you're all enjoying this extra BH.
I went to my first docs appt yesterday since getting my BFP and havent been filled with confidence, first off he did no sort of test other then check my weight and blood pressure? Is that normal?
Then he checked my dates told me I was about 6 weeks and therefore my due date was 24th jan???? Surely he means December??? Or am I being dense?
Cheers ladies Xx
Afternoon all, hope you're all enjoying this extra BH.
I went to my first docs appt yesterday since getting my BFP and havent been filled with confidence, first off he did no sort of test other then check my weight and blood pressure? Is that normal?
Then he checked my dates told me I was about 6 weeks and therefore my due date was 24th jan???? Surely he means December??? Or am I being dense?
Cheers ladies Xx

I haven't had a doctors appointment at all, I only had one with a midwife at 8 weeks. She took plenty of tests then, but I guess only midwifes do that?

and yes, I think it should be December!
I didnt see Doctor either think it depends where u live, saw Midwife at 8 weeks & she did BP & weight & thats it then u get sent to the hosp for 12 wk scan!x
I saw my doc, he didn't do any tests, just referred me to a midwife, it does sound like they have your dates wrong x
saw doc for first time since bfp on wednesday...all she did was my blood pressure, my dates, and refered me to midwife who i'm seeing on 11th of may! also doing bloods on 5th of may...

your dates don't sound right....must have ment december...i'm 4 weeks and due Jan 4th!
Cheers ladies!! He just really didn't seem to no what he was doing, didn't help that he started updating someone eldest record with my details! Still he's referring me to an ante natal clinic so hopefully won't have to see him again Xx
I don't think GP's have a great deal to do with a pregnancy, unless there are medications etc that you need to take, so hopefully from now on you'll be dealing with people who know what they are on about xx
Hi ya I know it's weird u expect them to do a preg test or something but they told me the shop ones r as good as theirs so they take your word for it! X
What a numpty!!
I think it's different in the UK to over here = and as one of the other girls said,GPs don't seem to have a lot to do with maternity care.
My GP here did another pregnancy test to confirm there was a bun in my oven :) and took bloods - but I won't see him again now. I have my first midwife apointment on 11th May and she'll have my blood results etc.

I think he definitely miscalculated.... sounds like you're due Christmas Eve!!!! Ho Ho Ho :)

Am sure once you're in the antenatal system things will go a lot better:)
Lol don't worry, same happened to me.
Midwife said I'm 6.6 weeks pregnant and that I'm due 8th December :p
I'm actually due 7th December.
Silly woman! xxx
Thanks ladies! Christmas baby!!! Hadnt thought about that! What a nice present!!! Xx
I dont trust what anyone says until I work things out myself (I have my reasons and I wont bore you with the details). The only thing I will say is that they take the date either from your last period or your conception date so it could be out by 2 weeks? Docs dont tend to do preg tests nowdays as the say the shop bought ones are just as accurate. Midwife will do all the tests you need hun.


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