Has anyone tried...


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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a doppler yet ???

I've tried mine and all i can hear is whooshin about and movement but no heartbeat yet.

Has anyone tried there dopplers yet ???
Just been upstairs with mine and have heard movements for the first time today :D . Heard heartbeat first time at 10 weeks but was a bit hit and miss for a couple of weeks but have found every time for the past few attempts.
i havent used one, where do you get them from? are they expensive?
I got mine on ebay for £25. Mine is called an angel sounds.
I finallly heard heartbeat just now! So relieved, can normally only hear mine but this time it was the other way round and couldn't pick up mine!
Has taken so many attempts to find so advise everyone to be patient and try not to get too upset when you can't find it at first- easier said than done! dh didn't want me to do it as he didn't want me to get upset again but he's now looking at baby names!
ps. check out videos on youtube to see where to look and what it sounds like if you're new to this game!
I didn't hear a heartbeat until 13 weeks....it was really low down...almost right on the pubic bone. Good luck with finding your LO.
I got mine last week. I haven't heard heartbeat yet but have heard the swooshing loud and clear. Not going to get too worried, I guess baby is just hiding from me! It moves around if I press to hard too! And much much lower than where I first started listening! x

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