Has anyone heard of this before?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
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Hi lovely ladies

I was on the internet over christmas and came across this website which said that switching from drinking tap water to spring water can help you conceive. The reason behind this theory is that there is a build up in normal tap water of the chemicals used in contraceptive pills as it is not properly filtered after women pee it out! This build-up has (apparently) lead to both men and women being less fertile than they used to be as we are all consuming some contraceptive pill in our water!!! I would love to know if anyone else has heard of this??

My hubby and I have switched to spring water (even in our tea) this month to see if it works :rotfl:

I will keep you all posted

(p.s I promise I dont have any shares in spring water companies!)
hi, we switched to filtered water when we were doing ivf and it worked for us! dont know if it was to do with the water but every little helps, good luck!
What an interesting theory, certainly something that I have never thought of. Worth a try though isnt it!
Ive just poured myself a pint of water from the cooler. I may invest in a filter jug. TTC is going to cost me a fortune!
I have heard this to, but i tend not to drink tap water anyway because it tastes awful :?
I wouldn't be surprised at all.

I bought a filter jug recently, it tastes so much better. Our tap water tastes awful.
Our tap water is pretty awful tasting so I've been drinking mineral water for months now, don't know if it did help but it certainly didn't do any harm :D
a filter jug wouldn't have any effect if this was a problem. A friend of mine is a research chemist and has been studying this for the last couple of years - basically in laymans terms (which is all I can understand :wink: ) she says forget about it :D If the hormones were in such a concentration as to prevent pregnancy - they'd also be affecting your cycle etc

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