Has anyone had their due date changed??


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2011
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I have have heard that when you go for a 20 week you may be given a new due date from what you were originally told on your dating scan.

I just wondered if this has happened to anyone and, if so, by how many days did it change?

I just want to find out if it changes just by days or has anyone had theirs changed by a few weeks? I'm probably worrying over nothing but if my due date moves 2 weeks earlier then I won't be entitled to the enhanced maternity package at work.

Thanks x
Yeah mine changed, was the 29th Jan and got changed to the 24th, the funny thing is my baby arrived on the 29th! X
I don't think they would be more than two weeks difference from your 12 week scan even if it did get moved - that's a LOT after already seeing babykins once, they'd have to have made some pretty terrible measurements to be that far out. I don't think you should worry x
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They say 12 weeks scan is most accurate to date the pregnancy. I wouldn't worry. I really doubt they would be 2 weeks out xx
Really? I read, in the book from the Midwife, that they do not change your date at your 20 weeks scan and not to be alarmed if you measure small or big - measurements and dates were more accurate at 12 weeks than 20 (As Emma said above) - I suppose each region operates differently!

Flexi - love your avatar - you daughter is a beaut!
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Wee heeee... thanks girls. Hopefully I'll have a bit more money to spend then ;-)
well ive never been changed even when the dates dont match the 12 week 1 is the most accurate so they use this mostly
mine got moved on my 12 week scan aha
it was the 24th August then got moved to the 20th i hope its not moved again!
I was told the same as Miss. Baby measured two weeks bigger at 20 weeks compared to 12 weeks but I was told the dates don't change. I'm 29 weeks now and I'm still measuring 2 weeks bigger and she said he may come earlier or growth may slow down towards the end therefore averaging out. Xx

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