Has anyone experienced this?


Jan 5, 2019
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Hi everyone my head is all over the place and I have done the one thing i tell people not to do which is 'Google!'. I have found some interesting things but wondered if anyone else has had any or knows anyone who has experienced what I am going through. Sorry it's a long one and possibly tmi at times but worrying possibly over nothing - hopefully.
I have been going through ivf, I had 2 good quality blastocysts transferred. I had implantation bleeding last sat29th/sun30th. I tested on Thursday 3rd in the morning and had a positive test using clear blue saying 1-2 weeks. I called the hospital and have a scan booked for 2 weeks time. They say I am 4 weeks now and will be 5 weeks on Monday. On Thursday I had a bit more brown discharge but not much, only when wiping. Yesterday (friday) I had brown discharge again only when wiping then it turned pink later in the day but still not much then later afternoon it seemed to go red and pink. At 230 I put a pad on just as a precaution by 8pm I had what felt like cramping in my abdomen and lower back ache. Around 815pm I passed what I felt was a large clot/tissue only the size of my thumb if that. Once I had passed it pain started to ease and since then I have passed 2 or 3 smaller/tiny clots/blood vessels. I am resting today and doing minimal things. I have only occassional dull aches in my abdomen and lower back but feel nausea and body temp still seems high which is what I have had for about a week anyway. I changed my pad at 630am as it was uncomfortable, it wasn't full, considering it had been there since 230pm Friday afternoon. I havent needed to change since and it's not even half full. Bleeding does seem to be coming to an end and is becoming lighter and not showing as much when I wee. I have read sometimes this can be common and people have still had a normal pregancy has anyone experienced this?? I'm going to re test on Tuesday and trying to stay positive.
Thank you.
As you’ve said, it could’ve just been pregnancy bleeding or it could’ve been an early MC. Red blood and clots are definitely not good signs though. I really hope you’re still pregnant, a test will tell you pretty quickly. There’s no real point in waiting now. Good luck x

Just a thought - if you’ve had two transferred it’s still possible you lost one and the other has stuck. :)

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