harmonal imbalance causing problems


New Member
Apr 10, 2007
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I am 28 have been TTC for over am year. I have a 25-day cycle.

On investigating it was found that my progesterone levels are quite low and that i do not ovulate :( . The follicles grow the normal way each month but it does not rupture, instead in slowly reduces in size and ultimately disappears. Also, my FSH levels are on the borderline.

This cycle my GP gave me FSH supplements and clomiphene tablets in the first half of the cycle and did the follicular monitoring. When the follicle was of the size 19*21 she gave me an injection to rupture it, which did happen. Now i am on the progesterone supplements. During this phase we did our bit............. :)

I have been having abdominal cramps for the past one week now(currently cycle day 21). Also the CM is thick and somewhat like wet tissue paper( :oops: sorry too much info). I really don’t know what’s happening to me. Can anyone help? Any advice will be most appreciated!

My HSG, Thyroid, Prolactin is normal and so is my partner's sperm counts.
Hi n_g

Sorry to hear about your problems, im afraid i cant really offer any advice though. Maybe its just a side effect from the injection or supplements or something? :think: altho this is just a total guess. Maybe someone else will be able to offer more help! If youre worried maybe ask your dr for advice?
Good luck to you :hug:
Welcome to the forum hun!
Sorry I can answer any of your questions but im sure someone here can help, just wanted to wish you good luck and i hope u get ur BFP soon! :D x
I've sent you a PM about it all.
Didn't want to post heaps on the boards about it!

Am due tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed. Please pray for me.

Will keep you all posted.

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