Happy mummy!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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I'm very happy at moment lol... Ralph was unsettled around an hour ago and I couldn't get him down after a feed as he was due for a nap etc well I know Ralph hated swaddling in the first week but I thought I'd just try it again today well as soon as I did it and put him down he fell asleep in like 5 min lol and is still asleep! Ahhh def going to swaddle for bedtime and see how we go! He may sleep a little longer tonight being swaddled! :)
Albert loves being swaddled but only at night. We change nappy, have a bottle, swaddle, put him in the basket, turn the light off, then a toxic waste smell comes out of the basket so we unswaddle, change nappy, reswaddle and go to sleep. What an exciting life mummy has :D
Ha ha don't you love that! you change nappy then 5 min later an explosion happens and you do it all again!! X
Albert's basket is at a right angle to the bed up near my face so I can watch him from the pillow, and as he does the swaddle shuffle and sleeps with his feet up I get the full stench right in my face lol

Oh and he sleeps 10 hours now that he doesn't spend all night smacking himself in the face lol. Fx Ralph sleeps alot more over night. You won't sleep though, you'll still wake up lol xxxxxx
do you just swaddl;e with blankets?x
I use the Summer SwaddleMe cos baby can't snuggle underneath them
Lol yeah must be a mummy thing but I'm always up checking him. I swaddled him with just a cellular blanket but I did buy a swaddle blanket from mammas n Pappas but he seems to big for it still. Do you think a cellular blanket is ok to use? Xx
They are better than a fleece or knitted blanket cos they regulate temperature better and don't tend to shed fibres
Yay! He slept swaddled from 8.30pm till 12am ( mind you he un swaddled himself lol which I don't know how! ) then nappy change, feed and reswaddled from 1.30am till 4.20am. Can't believe he slept till 4 this time! Instead of waking at 2am then 3am. I swear it's the swaddling! :)
:yay: well done chick! Keep at the swaddling xxxxxxxx

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