Hannah-Rose Nugent 9th May 07 7:42pm


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Oct 13, 2006
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Hannah-Rose Nugent is now with us! born on 9th May 2007. After a very very long labour!

Monday night got woken up with period like pains in the small hours. Got up and sat in the living room till About midday, kinda getting excited, but also doubting i was in labour as the pains where in no way regular and i thought it could be wishful thinking. By about tea time the pains where 'more sore' but nothing i couldnt cope with. At about 7pm i lost my mucas plug - well part of it - i continued to 'loose it' for hours. By midnight the pains where strong, an my OH started to panic so phoned the hospital (id already had a bath etc) and they said i could come in. They checked me out and said i was only 2cm, it could be hours. My contractions still werent regular - somtimes 2mins apart somtimes 5-6 mins apart. But they where all a minute long. The midwife gave me parracetamol (ffs!!!!!) which i just spewed up anyway. I went home, as id rather be around my own surroundings anyway.

As soon as i walked through the front door i was in agony - crying my heart out, i couldnt move! (this was the WORST PAIN EVER!) mum and OH took me straight back to the hospital. They checked me and i was almost 4cm (they now call this 'established labour') and gave me Gas n Air. Which was great :) i stayed on gas n air for about 4-5 hours until they checked me again (i think this was about 8am Wednesday now) I was 7cm - so i was told'not long now' i well thought id have had her by midday. The next few hours where very painful. i dont actually remember that much to be honest i know i was given an eperdrual. - which didnt work that well.. i could still feel the contractions in my back and left side of my stomache. I then started pushing just out of frustration - i pushed for aboutan hour i think. Then she was born :cheer: - i think i went into complete shock because i just laid back crying. I had torn bad. 2 outside and one inside, and i went onto loose alot of blood. - my legs where put up in the metal things and about 5 people where trying to mop the blood and stich me up. i thought i was dying at this point. :cry: so did my OH i think. lol. Hannah-Rose was born at 7:42pm.
was eventually left alone with the baby (in the operating room tho) which was a surreal experience tbh. I couldnt beleive what id just been though plus i hadnt slept for almost 3 days so i wasnt making sense and driffted in and out of consiousnes. - but very aware i was full of blood and sick and shaking and everyone had gone :cry:
i was eventually cleaned up at about 11pm and taken upstaires to the ward. I had a raging tewmperature and i was so in shock i started screaming when all the other babies started crying on the ward... i dont know why i think i was so exhausted and 'tripping' with temp and all other druggs in my system.

I woke 8am next morning with my baby next to me and felt alittle better. Couldnt walk tho at all. (had to be wheeled to the toilet etc)
I felt faint all the time and my temp soared through the day. But little Hannah is the most perfect baby.
Im still very anemic. (8.1 - if it was one point lower i would have had a blood transfusion) - they didnt want to discharge from hospital but i felt so lonley and depressed there i had to get out.
Im on antibiotics, iron tablets and painkillers now.

Over view if im honest! - i wont be in a rush to do that again. Hannah is lovely tho, an absolutly perfect...baby blues is still here abit (crying all the time) but im told thats totally normal and ill be fine in a few days.





Aww congratulations she is adorable! You both look so proud-lovely photos!
Well done! :clap:
Congrats and well done :) :cheer: she's absolutely beautiful! :hug:
:hug: aww congratulations hun

shes beautiful :hug:

Due 16th May 2007
Awww she is beautiful hun! Sorry you had a rough time of it and the baby blues will soon be gone. Enjoy her, they grow too fast! :hug:
Awwww she's gorgeous!! Well done Rachel, enjoy her.......... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
many congratulations.........

welcome Hannah-Rose :hug: :hug:
Well done, congrats and relax, its all over!! (well labour) xxx She is gorgeous!
Mate, I know how you feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol, they are soo worth it tho, congratulations :hug:
A massive congratulations hun and welcome baby Hannah-Rose she's absolutely beautiful. I just love that first pic of you both you look so contented. :D

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