hands keep going numb


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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Anyone else keep having this anytime I sit or lie down my hands and feet keep going numb and I keep getting pins and needles all the time! Anyone else have this happen to them??
I've had it with my hands in bed. Think it was because I was on my back. MW said could be carpel tunnel.xxx
i havent had this, but my friend had no other symptoms except numb hands all the way through her pregnancy! xx x
i sometimes get tingles in my hands.....maybe worth checking with mw if you are getting it a lot...could be a blood pressure thing? xx
Yeah have midwife appointment on thursday so I'll ask her then, but I've got high-ish blood pressure anyway so I'll double check anyway
Is it your whole hands or just your thumbs and first two fingers? If it's not all over it could be carpal tunnel. I had it really badly with Toby later on and for a couple of weeks after he was born. By the end I had no feeling at all in my thumbs and 2 fingers, and used to wake up in so much pain at night - it's worse when you sleep because you tend to bend your wrists so you can get referred to a physio for wrist splints (although they only help a bit and they're horrible to sleep in) x
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No it's my entire hand I have no feeling in the ends of my fingers anyway because I have asbestos hands (I'm a chef by teade) so that's nothing to do with it!! Just keeps happening more the further along I get
Get a bit of a dead leg and pins and needles sometimes usually my left leg weirdly! X

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