Hand control


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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How good were your babies with their hands at 9-10 months?

Lanna is BLW and is really good at picking up food and taking off chunks etc.. But she cant control a spoon yet.

She cant wave yet either, but she does clap.

With everything else she is doing good, crawls really good, Pulls up, is starting to stand without holding onto stuff, cruising around happily, nods, starting to try out words etc

its just her hands!
Charley's only just at 11 months starting to use a spoon but I don't always let him, he's so messy and I can't cope with mess yet! Lol
Alanna sounds like she's doing fine x.
M is quite good with spoons but I've been giving her one ever since we started weaning every baby is different just keep encouraging her x

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If Devon gets a spoon to play with, he rams it down hisk neck till he gags trys to swallow it!!

His hands operate like claws at the moment!, very clumsy and so grabs bread and desperately trys to eat it with knuckles in the way, sure he will bite himself soon.

He can't wave or clap, or crawl or pull up, he can roll , but chooses not too, has just learnt to sit , which is great for me, far more manageable.

So don't worry Kat , Alana is doing realy well. Cant remember the age when they do it, but all of a sudden babies develop what the HV calls the pincer grip, they can pick up a tiny bit of fluff or dirt with two fingers like a pincer - amazing and tricky for mums...

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