Hamburger for painkillers! :|


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2007
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I had a dream last night that i was at a family bbq and i had the baby, i dont remember the labour but i asked my sister what pain relief i had and she said oh i just gave you a hamburger from the bbq!

and someone i didnt know was holding the baby and i said wow look at all those teeth she hs and he said are you sure ure not looking at my teeth and i said oh yeh!!

And it was a girl!!!!! but apparently you always have the opposite to what you dream about sooo must be a boy if its true! :D yay oh and the baby could crawl! :|
i wish hamburgers were painkillers!
id have to move next to mcdonalds :lol:
sorry about ur dream theroy , ive only had one girl dream and it was pre-pregnancy . all pregnancy baby dreams ahve been about a lil boy!

still hamburger pain relief in labour sounds good to me !
My only dream was about twins so WTF does that tell you? :rotfl: :rotfl:
Kimbo said:
i wish hamburgers were painkillers!
id have to move next to mcdonalds :lol:

mmm mcdonalds, just called OH and asked him to bring some back for me! lol ur fault kimbo!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

what cravings are u getting?

my bump and cravings etc i went by what my mum had. even baby lying low i went by my mum. my mil got into her stupid head that im gonna be following in her footsteps for some bizarre reason just cause im with her son dont mean to say i got her blood cause i aint just our baby has lol he elt his sperm get out of control and fertilized my egg dont mean to say im gonna get a belly or carry like her its more my mum. but shes stubborn like me but always has to have last say etc and win arguments. but so do i :D
ive been craving junk!! maccy d's is the latest but coke and dairy milk are the main ones.. sweet stuff really gona off fruit and asald stuff, altho i do try to eat some even if i dont enjoy it lol
I cant eat big macs and stuff anymore but i loooooove hamburgers from mcdonalds!!!! yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have 3 mcdonalds within miles of me! :D yyeeeeh! and a subway! mmm chicken and cheese!

Seeing a baby girl that i thought was mine in my dream tho kinda made me really want a girl! lol ohh well whatever is i will be ovvver the moon!!!
ive dreamt about boys and girls...and potatoes.. so im having one of the 3..

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