Had some pics taken today


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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My fil used to be a photographer professionally so I got him to take my pics today I thought it would be a nice thing to remember - he tries to me to get it done last two times I have been preg but I never got round to it lol! I thought if I have them done now then in a few weeks time if I get huge then I can have some more and compare! :D I hope they turn out ok I hate havin my pics taken lol!
Im sure they will come out great :) i had an appointment with a photographr to have pics of my bump but then she cancelled so didnt get them done :( x
Thats a great idea ill get some pics and post em lookin forward to some pics
That's lovely :)

I always wanted some doing of me - there's a place that does this package where you get pregnancy photos and newborn photos done. Although I feel the size of a house so didn't fancy it in the end! Haha! I cant wait to get some professional ones done of our new family :D
lovely idea Evie - make sure you posts some pics for us to proof for you!!

Ha -- were they pregnant glamour - undies shots! tee hee
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I cant wait to see them :D just hope they are alrite he took like 30 - 40 so fingers crossed!! Im huge but i thought when i have lost all my weight i can look back and be happy i was pregnant haha!! and it shall be motivation hehehe!! I shall have to see if fil pics any pics that are suitable for online as a good few of them i had topless to show my bump fully off but hopefully there will be some good ones - only wish I had them done from month one then i could have seen progress throughout :D
im sure if they are only the ones with no top on i can photo shop a few just for online and put daiseys on my nippes hahahaha!!
ha funny, lovely to have proper ones tho, don't forget we have been following your bump journey on here,, so print out those photos to keep too
:D i told fil im sticking one on the wall in the entrance going up the stairs so everyone that comes round to my house will get an eye full :rotfl: (im being serious) i havent told hubby yet but im sure he will notice hahahahaha!!

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