had our 6 week check


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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and apart from a little bit of what the hv said sounds like colic, and a rash caused by an alergic reaction to baby wipes, Alice isdoing fab. the little piggy weighs 8lb (birth was 6lbs 1 oz). :dance: :cheer: she also said my trip to a&e with alice the other night was the right thing to do.

me on the other hand..... i scored high in one of the 'how are you feeling' tests, and they want to check on me in 3 weeks time. i knew i was feeling down, but this has made me feel worse. compaired to how i was feeling to the end of my pregnancy, i feel loads better. today i just feel like crap again. now i just want to cry again....

plus i've still got my 6 week check with my doc tomorrow. :( not looking forward to that in the slightest

sorry, im not fishing for sympathy. I just needed to get it off my chest or i willl start blubering.
hun if u wana talk u can pm me, i know what your going througth x
samrbtson said:
plus i've still got my 6 week check with my doc tomorrow. :( not looking forward to that in the slightest
samrbtson said:
Hunny if you on about an internal you can refuse to have one you know if your not happy with he doc doing it, unless you feel you need one and your not happy with your recovery then ther should be no need to go down there :D

The main reason I was told they did one was to give you a cervical smear, but you can hang on until they send you an appointment for that if you havnt already had one, and a nurse will do it. Thats what happens at my surgery anyway.

I would hate for my doc to do an internal, especialy as the docs male :puke:
thanks ladies... littlelady87 i may take u up on the offer :)

i know i need an updated smear done, but the doc didn't do my last one :think:

i also need to beg him to take alice on his surgery. he is reluctant to take new babies on, but the only other docs that can take her around here is rubbish compaired to his + then i would have to swap hv as well. :cry:
samrbtson said:
thanks ladies... littlelady87 i may take u up on the offer :)

i know i need an updated smear done, but the doc didn't do my last one :think:

i also need to beg him to take alice on his surgery. he is reluctant to take new babies on, but the only other docs that can take her around here is rubbish compaired to his + then i would have to swap hv as well. :cry:

I didnt know you had to have an internal at your 6 week check is this routine?

Glad Alice is doing so well Sam, having a baby is such a big thing, your allowed to feel a bit pants every now and then.

Feel free to PM me too if you need a sympathetic ear :hug:
Some do apparently, depending on what birth you had, mine dont but they may only for a smear.
i thought it was just if you had stitches, that kinda thing.

i didn't :think:

still, i will be able to let you know tomorrow- docs is booked in for 11! fun!!!

thanks. i really don't know what i would do without you lot! :hug: god feelas if i am goingto cry again.....
Well good luck with you doc appointment, im sure it will be fine.

:hug: I hope you feel happier soon too, we are all here :hug:
well he didn't do an internal, but he checked my belly, weight, bp. that kinda thing.

refered me to the fp clinic for the pill (because of the cholostasis,he doesn't knowwhich ones are ok), and a smear test in 6 months.

he checked alice over and she is doing fab!!

i didn't mention tohim how i have been feelingas i havn't really told oh yet, and hewas there. thats my'job'for this evening.get everything off my chest to him.

thanks girlie
Oh thats good glad everything went ok.

Hunny I felt like you over a week ago and I wrote how I felt on here then finaly talked to my OH, and god didn't I feel better!!!

I hope you feel better soon :hug:
thank you sweety. OH was annoyed i didn't tell him sooner, but i think i will be ok. now at least iknow i can urn to him if i feel down, and not hide away.

cheers again girls :)
Aww im glad you spoke to him, they dont like being kept in the dark, even tho I thought that it would make him feel sad and I didnt want to worry him, it worried him more not knowing what was wrong and is very supportive. Im glad your OH is there for you too :hug:

I hope you will feel even more happier soon and those sad days will be long gone when your little one smiles and giggles at you :D

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