Had my Scan...


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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I had my first scan today and it was amazing :D I dont know how to explain it in words im just so over the moon right now, everything is normal and healthy and they dated me at 16 weeks and 1 day (so my guess with the ticker was right!) The scan pictures are amazing i cant stop looking at them and Baby is fine :D My next scan is on the 5th of Novmeber where i hope i can find out the sex!

Just wondering how do i go about these is it 3d scans?

I guess i better get myself off to 2nd Tri now its all real,real!!! :dance: :lol:
oo congrats ont he first scan are ya gonna share the pic or just tell us!?!! :clap:
I will share when i have chance to scan them, will have to wait for OH to help me! :lol: :oops:
congratulations! not sure where your from but babybond are good for 3d scans. Some hospitals will do them too for a fee.
Glad everything went well :)
Thanks all, i came across babybond the other night searching and there's one in Manchester which is close, so after my next scan in 4 weeks roughly we'll look at booking one and hopefully have it around christmas time :D
Yay glad the scan was ok, bet it was amazing to see little bean! Not long to wait till your next scan!
It truely was amazing and as put all my nerves at ease now :D Yes and not long till my 20 week scan im so excited, this weekend is now time to tell my family and friends cant believe ive kept shut from so many for so long! :lol:

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