Had my scan


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2006
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Hi everyone,

Had my "12 week scan" today. It was at 2:45, but we decided to leave an hour early because of the christmas traffic and didn't want to get there late. So, I drank my 4-6 glasses of water at 1:45 just before we left. Got there at 2:30, but didn't go into the scan room till 3:15, and by that time I was in agony. I ended up going to the toilet to relieve half of my bladder about 10 mins before, but by the time we were called in it was just as bad again. Luckily, the sonographer was lovely and said that she could see I was uncomfortable and once she knew that she would be able to see baby ok she let me go to the loo and come back again. What a relief!!

It was fantastic to see the baby. She did a really thorough check. I am sure at my other 12 week scans (with other babies) we were in and out in 5 mins, but this time we were in there about 15 mins. She asked if we wanted a photo at the end, and then baby didn't want to play, and she took ages trying to get a decent pic for us. She printed off 2, and then said we needn't pay anyway because they weren't brilliant!!

She has put my dates forward 3 days, so I am now 15+1, and due on 8 June.

It seems so real now, and it was so emotional seeing my little one on the screen. I will attach the pics - hope they don't come out too big!! The first one is baby looking at us, with arms up to side of face, and knees up - love this pic!

Heather x


aww glad everything went well.

nice piccy's
your having a girl... for some reason i looked at the pic... and something said girl... :eek:

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