In canada you only get one scan at 20weeks but we didnt get to see anything, only that she was a girl. he was an awful sonographer! We payed a little extra for 4D at the measurement scan, but only got 2D (even the 2D i had with my DD were better!) we got to see zilch coz she was in a bad position and it was a "oh well thats all you get!"
Having a scan is meant to be a huge part of the pregnancy i was really dissapointed although i was over the moon she ws well and healthy (we did get one beautiful 2D pic though!). With DD i had three, one at 17weeks, one at 21 and then one at 32weeks because she was breech. so i see no harm in booking a second for memorys sake and also to confirm girl before my baby shower
were so exited!
We get 15 still 4D pictures on a disk, 2 4D print outs and a video of the whole scan from beggining to end on a disk also.
How exiting!!
its at 1 oclock on the 24th September... i will be 28 weeks which is apparently the best time
yayyy!! cant wait to see her again!
be good baby 

In canada you only get one scan at 20weeks but we didnt get to see anything, only that she was a girl. he was an awful sonographer! We payed a little extra for 4D at the measurement scan, but only got 2D (even the 2D i had with my DD were better!) we got to see zilch coz she was in a bad position and it was a "oh well thats all you get!"
Having a scan is meant to be a huge part of the pregnancy i was really dissapointed although i was over the moon she ws well and healthy (we did get one beautiful 2D pic though!). With DD i had three, one at 17weeks, one at 21 and then one at 32weeks because she was breech. so i see no harm in booking a second for memorys sake and also to confirm girl before my baby shower

We get 15 still 4D pictures on a disk, 2 4D print outs and a video of the whole scan from beggining to end on a disk also.
How exiting!!

yayyy!! cant wait to see her again!