Had my scan today!


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2006
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Everything seems "normal" YAY!!! You have no idea how good it feels to hear that word.
Anyway I dont have a picture coz the baby was hiding and she couldnt get a profile shot, and the front of the face looked a bit scary to be honest, like a tiny skeleton so I didnt want a picture like that. This is a very wiggly baby and everytime the lady tried to get a measurement the baby moved again mostly when she was trying to measure the head, it didnt stop moving the whole time, hmmmm me thinks that someone (me) is going to end up having a few sleepless nights with non stop wiggling.

Welll when we went in we said "I know it's early still but if it happens to be flashing it's bits at you would you tell us what it is?" So she was quite nice and she had a look for us.........................................
And we're about 95% sure it's a GIRL!!!!!
YAY!!! Congrats hun!! I was just thinking wriggly baby reminded me of my DD lol!
Any names thought of yet??
:dance: :dance: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I have always love the name Shannon, so that'll be the one I think (2nd and 3rd fave names are Rachel and Emma) but I cant imagine calling her anything but Shannon.
Congratulations!!! :cheer:

Its so much fun finding out the sex!


Thats great hun, Kiara was a wiggler too!
Do you get any more scans ?
:) really happy for you....congratulations :hug: xx
Fabulous!!! Another girl for camp PINK!!!

Congratulations sweetie, they always say 94% or 95% or 96% when its a girl - just in case there are any bits being hidden - obviously with a boy they can be more definite!!

Lovely name too - shame you didn't get a piccie though :hug: Welcome Shannon - oh, and fyi - those wriggles seem to be more noticeable overnight - 5am she woke me up this morning, it felt like she was spinning herself round on the walls of the womb 360 degrees!! Bless :hug:
*saulino* said:

Thats great hun, Kiara was a wiggler too!
Do you get any more scans ?

Yeah I have another scan on 19th Jan looking forward to that one, hopefully she'll be more co-oprative next time. (and we can make sure she is a she so I can order my pram!! oh I cant wait to do that!!)

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