Had my presentation scan


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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The baby is still breech! She has her bum first and knees bent so I went up to maternity day assesment and I'm not allowed to have a natural birth because she will come out bum first and as this is my first baby they don't think my pelvis can handle it so I have to have a ceserean in just over 2 weeks! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I know I'm so excited :dance: :dance: :dance:

I am actually really pleased I'm having a C section. Some people might think i'm mad for saying that but each to their own! :D
I have to go back to the hospital on thursday morning to speak to the consultant he was too busy today to speak to me so I will have a definate date then but they are aiming for 39 weeks and thats just over 2 weeks. I've waited over 8 months so 2 weeks feels like no time at all :shock:

Not so much that LO is breech but you are happy about what they are doing and you know when you are going to see the little baby.

We got same due date so u may beat me...! I will know on weds about my lo.

I hope that the next few weeks go quickly for u

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! :shock:

How cool is that!!!!

Can't wait till you get your date! And then you can tell me all about how the c section goes for you! Are you having epidural, spinal block or general??? This is so exciting!!!!!! :hug:

Piglet xx
I haven't got a clue but maybe a spinal. I'll have to make a post in the ask a mum section to see what others think is best but I doubt I will have a general.
I just can't get over how soon she will be here :shock:

Out of our little gang I wonder who is going to go first. I think it will be FeeFee so she can fill us both in and I can give you a second opinion :lol:
Blimey we are all having them eh!!

Me first though :shakehead:
Oh yeah so we are :shock:
OMG it's nearly all over! I can't imagine what it's going to feel like to not be pregnant. I'm so used to feeling like a 90 year old woman :rotfl:
Its crap isnt it, i kinda feel sorry knowing i don't have long left and that my bump wont be my bump anymore but in the same breath i'm so tired sore and fed up i just want this little sod out!

So Vicky, me and our little Piglet are all gonna be sliced and diced within couple of weeks of each other blimey couldn't write that sorta thing could ya :rotfl:
I want to have music when I'm being sliced open (yikes that does sound horrible when you say it like that!) but it has to be Justin Timberlake because the baby loves his music. I don't know if it is the tone of his voice but she always reacts and wriggles about when I play JT to her.
I know a C section isn't going to be pleasent but i'm glad I don't have to go through a normal birth. Poor Snuggle she's all left out :?
"Sliced and diced" LOL :rotfl: What a lovely way of putting things!

I'm pleased I'm having a C section too, and they said I could take my own CD - but I have no idea what I want to play! I know I wont miss my bump tho!

I bet snuggle will beat us all now! And she will be having a good old chuckle at us all! :shakehead:

Piglet xx
wow how exciting! im at midwife tomorrow, if baby is still breech at what point do you have a presentation scan?
I'm not 100% sure but I would have thought around 36 weeks because if the baby is breech then they can do an ECV to try and turn the baby (I refused it because of the risks to baby) and they wont do an ECV until after 36 weeks because the baby could turn before then.
Well it can cause bleeding, can make the placenta come away, make the baby distressed, can rupture the amniotic sac and can bring on labour. They wont do it unless there is a theatre room avaliable just in case they need to do a c section straight away if anything goes wrong and it only has a 30% chance of working and if it does work then the baby can change back to being breech so you go through all that for nothing.
leckershell said:
woo congrats to you, 2 weeks will pass before you know it :)

thank you and Lets hope you've had your baby by then eh? :hug:
really excited for all you girls with your 'slice and dice' appointments!! It's great that you know what's coming and you'll be holding your little babies so soon!
Good luck with choosing the mood music!! :D
Best of luck vickie hope it all goes smoothly for you.

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