Had my growth and Liquor scan today....


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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....And I asked for a Vodka and coke! :lol:

(just tell me to shut up lol)

Anyway, on to serious note.

Baby is measuring at 38 weeks and so is liquor.
So, is now above the 95th centile!
The baby size is not so much the problem. The are worrying about the liquor volume.
The sonographer started to question if I had even been dated right in the beginning. But, the first scan is very accurate.

The head and abdo seems to have grown loads more than the femur though :shock: Will I have an alien?!? :rotfl:

Got to go back Mon and discuss delivery options.

The baby is also breech. Which isn't a problem yet, unless my waters can't take anymore, burst and throw me into labour :rotfl:

No, really lol....I would be screwed! :shock:
p.s estimated weight is around 7.5lbs I think. I am 32 weeks :shock:
Sweetheart, you really are having a hard time of it. You seem to have managed to dodge the Acme Anvil so far (of Coyote fame).

Hang in there, all will be well :hug:
so you may have baby a lot sooner than expected :think:

i hope you're prepared hun :rotfl: :hug:

baby sounds happy and healthy anyways, which is the main thing just now :hug:
Sonographer thinks it may happen in the next couple of weeks.

But, I will see my consultant monday and discuss with him what he thinks. Afterall , he is the expert!lol

I would not be worried about the breech position, if there wasn't the chance I may gointo labour anytime. But, with this hanging over my head...I realise it may have less time to turn :(

They filled out a manualand patient handling form today....This is to risk assess my movement if I need a c-section (due to my SPD, height and BMI or somet :? )

Just feel lost and confused roght now. Was also protein++ in my urine today. May indicate ANOTHER uti (have had two lots of antibiotics in one month. Both have caused me to have a bowel infection :( )

get the violins out!
Aw bless you Fuffins in the midst of everything thats happening and you still seem to be in great spirits (Vodka maybe :) )

I'm sure everything will be ok and hopefully you will get some more answers on Monday :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm glad you are keeping a smile on your face (well i'm guessing you are).
But it must be tough!

You're doing great :)

Well at least if baby does come soon they'll be a decent size and weight!

I'm sure there are techniques and ways to try and get baby to turn - maybe google it and see what it suggests? Breech doesn't always end in a c-section and babies can often turn by themselves or with the help of a midwife/doctor.

Poor you about the UTIs they seem to like you don't they!
Just think as soon as bubba is here all those things should go away!

I do try to keep smiling and laughing.

Snapped at the doc today though, as she was cold.

Also, have had a cy on OH's shoulder tonight.

Looked up polyhydromnias (excessive liqour volume)....Seems to indicate preterm labour. Can also cause umbilicalcord to deliver first, which would lead to emergency section. Also a higher chance of placenta coming away.

Looked up breech birth. Turning baby is about 50% successful and is only tried after 37 weeks. Due to my spd and predicted size of baby, if I went into prem labour now, I think a section would be what they would do.

I will write down questions for my consultant to answer on mon lol....Poor man! :D

Tillytots had a lot of water too! She did it naturally and went overdue in the end so there is hope!

It's a shame they won't try and turn baby yet but good on you for having lots of questions - it's the best thing to do!

As for a c-section, no they aren't nice but if it's the safest thing then it's got to be done!

I do what you do - have a cry, have a moan (to the OH) and then i joke about things :) hehe xxxx

:hug: :hug: :hug:
You seem to be having a really bad time of it recently! At least you know baby seems to be happy and health, i cant get over that estimated weight mind!! How did you manag that :shock:

I'd be scared too at the though of emergency c-section or pre-term labour, but you'll ge thorugh no matter what
Yes it was me who text
Sorry love my computer crashed for a few hours i was with out PF for all that time it was SCARY :rotfl:

AWWW love im so sorry :hug: :hug: your still going though the mill you baby seems no the wiser to all the fuss though which is good :roll: :lol: . At least you know if you do deliver early baby is at a healthy weight :D
And like Suzie said Tilly has a lot of water and had a natural birth i hope you baby turns head down for you love :pray: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: These estimated things are not always correct.. as everyone has said tilly had loads of fluid and they said she'd have a big baby was 8lb in end not that big, and prob be early plus scared the poor girl to death with the pre lapse cord thing! Hang in there it seems to be all negative for you at mo but baby sounds like he/she is happy so thats all that matters. Chin up love you sound like your good at turning it around and not getting you down that much :hug: good luck for monday, great idea to write your questions down as we always forget when we in there :hug: xxx
As always, thank you ladies. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I would not be able to cope so well without this forum as support :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
At least they are finally taking some proper action for you....hope it all works out how you want it you.

xxxxx :hug:

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