Had my first migraine today :(


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:( I feel sorry for anyone who has them frequently, it was awfull.

I started seeing swirls and weird coloured shapes in my peripheral vision, which went which scared the life out of me!

It went and all of a sudden a wave of intense pain started at the front of my head, and my god it was the worst thing I have ever experienced ( apart from birth, though id rather had done that! ) and Ifelt sick as a dog, was sick :puke: and had to go bed and felt fine when I woke up after an hour.

I realised I had one because all I had all day was two packets of crisps and a few bits fo chocolate :oops: I had a dicky tummy and didn't fancy anything else, I will not be making that mistake ever again :doh:
They are aweful, i used to get them alot last time i was pg, but in my temp[les and behind my eyes :hug:

I have never had them before, it was quite a shock at first when I saw this stuff in my vision, really frightend me, thought there was something really wrong, but realised what it was when the pain kicked in.

I really feel for people who have them a lot :hug:
Betsthing i find is making the room really dark or try get some sleep if you can, I use this stuff called 4head, its like migrastick you put on your head it cools it and its amazing, you should see if you can use it with pregnancy, that was gals idea to as i just asked him for you, he gets them quite often but to the point he cant be in any sunlight and is throwing up, poor lad, hope you feel better soon hun :hug:
:hug: Thanks.

Yes I went to sleep and woke up fine, feel abit weird, but much better than I did.

My FIL went to the chemist for me but wouldnt let him get anything without doc permission :x

So going to book myself in tomorrow and see I can find out what I can have just incase it happens again :pray: praying it doesn't!

Thanks hun :hug:
Tasha20 said:
I realised I had one because all I had all day was two packets of crisps and a few bits fo chocolate :oops: I had a dicky tummy and didn't fancy anything else, I will not be making that mistake ever again :doh:

Follow my lead and eat everything you see! :D Hope you dont get one again :hug:
:hug: Oh I will be from now on, dont want that again.

Thanks hun :hug:
sorry i was just browsing but i want to say i totaly sympathise with u i get migrains weekly and did all thru pregnancey. i get them very bad i get zig zags, hen my vision goes blurry then the pain and the sickness. im on anti depressants that are used for migraine prevention thankfully they seem to be working as everthin else i have tried has failed.

i also have a pill called nargamig to take if i do get one , this stops the attck developing.

i have sufered dince i got pregnant and they never left me..infact after LO was born i have had them weekly each attack lasting 3 days :( makes me as :puke: as a dog.

ihope they dont stick with u like thay have with me - its been hell for me the last 16 months.

and im sorry to tell u thi but i know u cant take anythin but paracetamol during pregnancey which doesnt even take the edge of a migraine.

hope ur feeling better hun.... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Aww im so sorry your going through this all the time. :(

Have you ever looked into natural alternatives? I have read about accupuncture and visitng a herbalist to help 100s of people.

I really hope I dont get it again, I didnt get it with Olivia, this is the first ever one, I really think it was because I never ate much :(

How awfull for you, I hope you find something that will totaly get rid of this horrible thing :hug:

I was lucky as the sleep really helped me, I will just have to grin and bare it if it happens again :(
I'm sorry you got your first migraine, they're so horrible :cry: I'm glad your feeling a lot better after some sleep. Definitely make sure your eating properly if this is what brings it on.

I used to suffer badly with migraines and as most people have said best thing to do is sleep it off in a dark room. I found that putting a cold flanel on my head also helped to ease the pain to some extent.

I'm really lucky as haven't suffered from any migraines at all with this pregnancy. The pregnancy seems to have curbed mine for some reason :?

rhian - I really hope you find something which curbs your migraines and don't suffer too badly with them. I know how much they suck and I feel for you :hug:
Oh gosh dont even mention them!
I wake up with one most mornings! And there is feck all I can do about them except sleep, and sleep and sleep! thats if the pain lets me sleep! Usually, by tea time Im ok, though somedays they just last for days!
Before I was pregnant, I used to take beta blockers for them! That prevented them! but if I did get one I have a nasal spray to take! (the pills and waifers made me ill too haha)
Labour i can handle, but another 6 months of daily migraines?? Nope :( i want an epidural now haha
I will seriously struggle when I have pip if they stay this regular! :(

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