had my booking in app


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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and all went gd altho i didnt get my full notes yet cos the other silly mw took them all to her other centre ppfttt idiot,took a while to get through all my other pregs and wat not poor mw hehe well anywyas il be consultant led but i knew this and will get sum extra scans due to my last baby beeing so small and this should ahve been picked up realy,with me having loop treatment on my cervix 3 yrs ago she said i may have a bleed cos of scar tissue on my cervix but also said i may not im going to speak to consultant about this cos i would hate for my cervix to be weaker than normal and go into prem labour or summet :shock: dont know if they can tell or anything but its worrying me a little bit,she also said as its my 9th pregnancy that this pregnancy will more than likely be quite uncumfy last one was bad enough its all coming bk now lol,but anyways soon as i go into labour i have to go directly to hospital no passing go and no 200 smackers tut i wanted to try do much as i can at home oh well il do wat i ahve to do to make it safe for me n my baba :).next stop scan the 9th may yey xxx
yay , glad all went well , still not had my phone call , I wanna scan :wall2:. I've written out all my previous pregnancies info and just hand it to them saves loads of time , I just sit there twiddleing my thumbs while they copy it all down. lol, All the best xx
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lol thats a gd idea i should have thought about that cos she wanted to know all the weights altho i know most there is 10r2 i always forget but i knew roughly lol god ur almost 14 weeks but one thing is for sure it will be a lovely scan pici proper looking baby one hehe exciting shouldnt be long now give them a ring to chase it up x

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