Had my big scan yesterday and we're team.......


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Blue :) So so happy :) I already have a daughter and this is my OH first child and know that although he just wanted it to be healthy he really wanted a baby boy. I got so excited when they told me I whacked him, then nearly started crying haha. The only people Im telling is the grandparents as I still want it to be a surprise for everyone, but of course I had to share it with all you's :)
Everything looks normal in the scan too :) Although my placenta is low and they are hoping that it will move up. Has anyone had this? Can I still exercise? xxx
Great news, another team blue!! Odds are there must be some girls due for some of us team yellows!! My sister had this but ha bleeding before the 20wk scan so was on rest. In your case probs fine to exercise but if u feel pain or have any bleeding stop and check with MW. Btw she was given a v slim chance of placenta moving but it did and she had a normal natural birth for her son and all was well so chances are it'll move for you too xx
Thanks girls :) Luckly I havent had any bleeding and they are gonna keep an eye on it, I have been having pain but just thought that was normal. They mentioned if it doesnt move I'll have to get a c-section, although hope it moves up well before that :) xxx
Congratulations on team blue!!! ive no idea on low lying placenta hun as it hasnt happened to me personally - but hope it moves for you! xx
Congrats!!! Team blue is taking over :D
Congratulations and welcome to team blue!
Awww a little boy congrats, now the shopping can start X
Good grief another boy! That's great news! Make sure you up date on the thread xxx
Brilliant news - can't believe how many boys are going to be born in the next 4-5 months!! :)
:yay: congrats on team blue, glad alls well

Boys taking over xx
Wow congrats on team blue. How many do we need now for the PF football team?

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