had my baby :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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Hi all

Just to let you know, I had my son on 25th March, after my waters began to leak with merconium on the 24th at 3.30am. Hospital wasnt that great unfortunately, - saying they needed to break my waters properly straight away, but then didnt come back to do it for over 4 hours, and then saying I needed a drip to increase my contractions, but taking another 5 hours to return to sort that out too...

I was 1cm dilated for 25 hours, and then suddenley being 10 cms! I pushed him out in ten mins (that was the nice easy part), after two failed epidurals and it being a back to back labour.

Didnt want epidural, but due to the AMAZING amount of pain in my back due to his position, they told me i needed it, and then I spent most of the 27 hrs laying on my back (which made it worse!). Also meant I missed out on using the pool :(

However, my son was born weighing 8.13lbs and he is gorgeous. I cant lie, it has been the hardest week of my life, as we have been back in hospital as he lost alot of weight and they didnt detect he was tongue tied for first three days, so he missed out on a lot of colostrum (argh). I miss sleep and not spending quality time with my bloke (even a cuddle in bed is impossible at moment), but he is worth it, and we both adore him.

Good luck to everyone else having their babies soon!
Sorry you had such a bad experience with it all, but I bet all was forgotten when you had your baby in your arms!
Congratulations ;) Doesn't sound like a textbook labour, and its a shame you never got to use the pool - but LO is finally here so I suppose thats all that matters now :D Well done you! xxx
I'm sad you didnt have a great experience but so pleased you little one is ok now and you get to settle into being a great mummy xxx
You poor thing, fx it's all uphill from here xx congratulations!! x
Huge congrats to u hun, takes a while to get into the swing of things once baby's arrive. There's so much change. Xxxx
thanks everyone- yeh it really is much harder being a mum than i thought= the labour was a walk in the park compared to this- and the baby blues is really doing my head in!

but taking it day by day and he is starting to sleep more at night, praise the lord!
Congrats hun. It's really strange reading your thread it's more or less the same type of labour experience I had even down to the tongue tie (except they diagnosed Lewis' at birth) what have they done about it with your LO ? Lewis has been refered to have his looked at just waiting for an appointment.

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