Had my baby at 33 weeks he's now 7 weeks old!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Well for those who thought they'd got rid no i'm alive and no longer wobbling about i had my boy Samuel Joseph on 23rd May at 12.50 weighing 4lb 9oz

worked a 10 hr shift went home and my waters broke well i say broke it was more like a tidal wave, went to hospital at 8pm said they leave me see how i went at 12 midnight it started, by 4 was 5cm by 8am fully dilated only had gas by this point and was in excrutiating pain, asked for anything said it was too late and id got to push still not slept at this point felt and looked like i'd been dug up and was screaming hospital down!! everytime i pushed the pain got worse which they said was strange and cathetrised me taking out 2 LITRES of infected water, yes i'd got a uti my urine was almost red and the relief was amazing!!!!! Then i got on and pushed him out with a little help from forceps but no tears or anything.

He screamed the place down and weighed in at 4 9 they took him to scbu he stayed 11 days and is now home piling the weight on currently up to 7 lb 10 and is an angel :angel: :angel:
wow bet you werent expecting him to be quite that early! fantastic news about him though and he sounds wonderful!
Congratulations to you!!!!
aww big congrats to you hun...

he sounds like hes doing really well babes.. keep up the good work samuel :hug:
Aw massive CONGRATULATIONS hun you poor thing with the uti but at least baby Samuel arrived safe and sound. Looking forward to seeing some pictures. :cheer: :dance:
Congrats hun

Conal was around 7 pound on his due date, i always wounder if that would of been his birth weight if he was full term, i have too much time to think about things :lol:

Bet it feels like you've had him home forever now :D


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