had m/w appointment today


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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all was fine, heard babys HB, my bp was a little bit up, but ive always had dodgy BP, it was 140/80, everything else was fine, m/w said baby felt quite big for dates, sorry to bore you all just thought id share lol

Not boring at all! Glad everything was ok :hug: Are you needing to do anything about your BP, or is it ok as it's part of your normal pattern?
my BP goes up and down all the time, dont need to do anything tho
its not boring Sarah..Its good to know when things are going well...Hope LO's not too big ouch
Its not boring!!
Nice to hear everything is ok! wish my pregnancy was strait forward i have had nothing but hassle lol!
Really pleased you and baby are ok!
dont worry about your blood pressure a couple of weeks ago mine was 140/90! :?
Take care
shell N bump! x
Glad to hear all is well Sarah, my MIL is a nurse, she always says that as long as the bottom figure doesn't go over 90 (if I remember correctly) then you're fine. .

Mine is always low......I think at my appointment on Monday it was something like 110/60?! MW seemed fine, and mine is alwasy low anyway so doesn't bother me!

Its good to hear bubba is happy & content and pg is going well :hug: :hug:
Glad everything went well - I don't see my midwife again until i'm 34 weeks!! :shock:

Got my GP appointment at 32 weeks so hopefully i'll find out more then :D
Glad it was all ok :hug:

You're certainly not boring us! :hug:

I have mine tomorrow, dreading having to tell her I've been in hospital again, bet she'll be glad to get rid of me! :rotfl:
glad all is well, i love all my midwife appointments hearing the heartbeat and knowing what position he is in etc. keep up the good work. :dance:
I'm glad everything went well at your check up.

I like reading everyone's updates. Keep posting.. it's not "boring" at all :)


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