Why did I worry when he didnt talk ?? :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2009
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Over the past few weeks Decs speech has come on leaps and bounds :) and to anyone that knows me I was always worried about his speech because Dan his big brother had a speech problem and had to have therapy for 2-3 years :(

Anyway I though I would tell you ladies a few of the things Dec has come out with lately, anyone on my fb may have seen some of these already :) These days I really do wish he would be quiet sometime !! lol

The other night he was playing with his daddy on the floor, Davy (his daddy) started to get silly and was putting the cars on his head and stuff, Dec was sitting watching him for about 2 mins then suddenly he said " You not funny Daddy, go away" :lol: Then he turned his back and started to play on his own.

We where out for lunch yesterday and Dan was annoying Dec, he was trying to get him to say something and Dec didnt want to, but Dan went on and on, Dec stood up on the seat and shouted (very, very loudly) into Dans face " shut-up dandil, bugger off, fat shite ":shock: (Dandil is how he says Daniel)

Today I asked him if he would like to go to the park and have a go on the slide, I told him I could go down with him, he looked at me and said " no mummy, you fat butt to big, you get stuck" :shock: :(

He does say some nice stuff (sometimes )

The other day he was sitting beside me and he said " yummmmmm mummy you smell nice " :)

He was playing cars with Dan and he said " Dandil you my brofher, I love you "

And to the little boy I mind he will always say " Eoin you my friend, Dylan my best friend " (Eoin is the one I mind and Dylan is his cousin)

What you have to remember these things are coming from a child who didnt really use sentences until about Christmas time and a child that never really talked much at all until he turned 2 (he is only 2 and 4 months now)

Thanks for reading ladies xx
:yay: Well done Dec :hug:

:rofl: I did laugh at that in the restaurant :lol: they would mortify you :rofl:
:rofl: I'd love to have seen your face at the restaurant :-)
well done dec! X

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