An Update of Dan Man...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Daniel had his last lot of jabs today until he is a year old, he wasn't very impressed but recovered pretty quick which was cool. He now weighs 16Ib...I thought he was getting heavy :D

He now rolls over and manages to bring his arm up from underneath him, with a lot of grunting I might add. He has also started to giggle sometimes, you know...that proper baby giggle...too cute. He is now very, very vocal, sometimes around five in the morning!

The HV said that we can now start giving him an ice cubed size of baby rice once a day along with his bottles of milk...just to break him into weaning. Oh and she and another mum at the docs both said that he looks like me! Poor little mite :lol: :D
Well done clever boy Daniel!

I wish our jabs were done - I dread them so much that OH has to hold LO and I just happened to have to go to the loo :oops:
Awww hes doing fab. how do you feel about the rice?

Caitlyn has her 2nd set of injections on tuesday.
aww bless him! wow 16lb not far behind millie!
He is doing well. All the same things as Luke :D

16lb already! What was his birth weight Kaz? x
1sttimemum...I feel fine about it as the HV recommended it. Also, it might stop him non stop staring at us when we are eating, lol, I feel that he's ready, but it will only be a tiny amount to begin with :wink:

Debbie...he was 8Ib 13oz when he was born :D
exciting times then, caitlyn doesnt seem to take any interest in ours yet lol
Aww bless him...I keep thinking of Dan as this tiny forget that other babies grow as quick as all the others... :rotfl: lil miss got jabs at 6 months... don't you have 6 months jabs in the UK...??? I can't remember if Tia did. :think: She also gets some at 9 months and 12 months...
no squig we just get the first ones , BCG at some point if your in a tb area which london is , and then none till mmr at a year !

aww dan man isnt small anymore !!!!
Actually I was sorting through some of his first born clothes yesterday and I couldn't believe how little he was, only 4 months ago!
Also at the doctors there were about 3 other mums with their tiny babies and I was actually giving a bit of advice to one of them! That was me 4 months ago :D

All of our babies are getting bigger aren't they, but isn't it great that we are all able to see them growing up...yay for this forum :wink: :D
Gem & Leland said:
no squig we just get the first ones , BCG at some point if your in a tb area which london is , and then none till mmr at a year !

How strange... I wonder why they get more doses here :think:
aww bless him. Anjali is way behind on her jabs she's only had one. No idea how much she weighs now but everyone says how tiny she is :roll: she still cant roll either but she can sit up for short time (albeit leaning forward almost to her toes lol) :D like 1sttimemum's LO she shows no interest in food whatsoever even when waved under her nose lol

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