Had appt with consultant this morning...


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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and we have a heartbeat! So relieved, I know I'm not out of the woods yet, but it was very reassuring to see that, at this stage, everything is as it should be. Measuring 6.5 weeks, which is about right. I've got to continue with the baby aspirin and progesterone and go back in 4 weeks (which will be past the 10wk mark, when I've m/c twice, so a bit scary that I'm not seeing him before then).

So taking one small positive step at a time... :cheer:

How is everyone? Hope you're all well.
Keeping everything crossed that things continue to go well for you :hug: Keep us posted!
Great news !! Fingers crossed all goes well. Just keep it up and positive :hug:

Was it you who posted a thread about aspirin in pregnancy some time ago? If so, can you please remind me why you're taking it?

Lots of luck.. thinking of you

:cheer: Great news hun! So glad you're being helped through this very difficult bit.

:D Hi Miffy,

Great news, and very glad to hear the profs are keeping a close eye on things - really hope this one goes well for you.

thats great :cheer:
i cant beleive they are making you wait 4 weks b4 another appointment :roll:
Thanks for all your words of support - it's a slow process but feel I might actually be getting there this time!

I suppose they've told me to come back in 4 weeks as there's not really a lot more they can do, if it goes wrong, it goes wrong. But fingers crossed I won't have to face it again.

Petra - I'm taking 81mg of aspirin a day, which is supposed to thin the blood, as one cause of m/c can be 'sticky blood' which hinders the blood flow to the baby. It's worth talking to your GP about it, I started taking it as soon as I fell pg, but I think I've heard of people taking it whilst TTC too. You'd have to check with your GP. Also taking Progesterone 3 x a day, as low progesterone can also trigger m/c. Think my doctor is trying to cover all the bases (most common ones anyway) as I haven't had any further tests yet to see what's causing the m/cs. Hope this informations helps!
Hi Miffy, many thanks for your reply. I will make GP appointment and will discuss aspirin and progesterone. I have miscarried at 5+ weeks and would like to TTC soon again. I am already worried about how the next pregnancy would go.

I will stay positive and take small steps at each time

Hope all goes well for you and definitely keep us posted :hug: :hug: :hug:

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