Had an early scan today...(update)


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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because i was getting a little bit achey down one side and was getting myself in a state. anyway they said everything looks fine, it was only measuring 5weeks and 5 days though which im slighly worried about, but ive worked it out and that would have been when i was OVing.
Looking back at my other pregnancies i was always put back in between 10-14 days, so im trying not to worry.
ive got blood tests tomorrow at 9am and have to ring up at 2pm for results and they are going to scan me again in 2 weeks time.
Also ive got my booking in appointment with doctors tomorrow.
Do you think i should be worried, they did say to me we don't usually see hb till 6/7 weeks?
sorry to go on and i hope that makes sense :D


Not sure what to really make of the blood results, they told me they are quite high but ive looked on a website and they are in between the 5 to 6 weeks and according to the scan yesterday i should be 5w 6days today so nearly 6 weeks they were 5330, do they seem high to you? it was a nurse i spoke to though. i asked my GP about them this afternoon and he said they sounded ok to him, so im even more stressed now. anyway ive got another blood test tomorrow, so wish me luck :D
I don't think theres anything to be worried bout love, if there was a problem i'm sure they would have told you, if your 5 weeks then it is to early for HB but at least you get to see it in 2 weeks time xxx
Awww I can understand you being concerned and Im sorry you have been put back a bit but Im sure everything is fine! :D
And great you get to go back in two weeks!! :cheer:
At least that explains the pains down one side! I had that at around 5-6 weeks! :D
awww hun try not to worry i was put back 5 days im sure everything will be fine :hug: and you might well find they put you forward again when you have your dating scan around 12 weeks xxxxxxxxx
i had my scan yesterday and i was put back nearly a week but it does work out with my ovulation as well, i was asked when i wanted a re scan and i said next week so i have one on tuesday, good luck, it will be a long 2 weeks for you but it will be worth it when you see how much has happened in that 2 weeks.
You dont see much at 5 weeks, they look for a fetal pole, which they obviously found as everythings going well, heartbeat isnt usually picked up yet.

You may have your 12 week scan and get put forward yet, dont worry, enjoy!! :cheer:
:hug: I am sure everything is fine, please try not to worry and enjoy it as best you can, easier said than done I know x :hug:
oohh, i want to lie to my family doctor and tell her that i'm having alot of pain so i get an early scan. even though thats a bad idea.

she told me i wont get my scan until im 18 weeks! I CANT WAIT THAT LONG!
stace914 said:
oohh, i want to lie to my family doctor and tell her that i'm having alot of pain so i get an early scan. even though thats a bad idea.

she told me i wont get my scan until im 18 weeks! I CANT WAIT THAT LONG!

im not being funny but what did you mean about the first bit? are you saying im lying about pain or something, or have i just got the wrong end of the stick?
Flossy82 said:
My thoughts too there but didnt want to say hun :?

on what stace914 said?
i would'nt usually say anything but im so stressed out right now and the way she wrote it down just upset me abit
sarah hun :hug: dont let yourself get stressed your bloods sound pretty good to me xxxxxxxxxxx

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