Had a show....any advice?


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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I had show this morning at about 8. Went into hospital and they monitored me and gave me an internal and they have sent me home to sit it out. had a few mild contractions so far but just waiting really. Wanted to ask you ladies those who have had a show as a first sign of labour, how long after did things really start to happen? Had 2 babies before but not starting with a show. Any stories will be greatly appreciated thanks.
:D :D
I've been told a show can come up to two weeks before LO arrives.
I hope that's not the case though and you'll go into labour soon.
Have your waters broken yet?
No, not yet. they checked for that and all intact. its a bit scary but i just want things to move!!
i was told by mw that they arent really bothered about a show as it can be 3 weeks before labour starts.

its positive you have been having mild contractions too tho. hope this is it for you hun :pray:
*************** LABOUR DUST*****************

Hope you don't have to wait too long before your LO decides it time to come out :cheer: :dance:
Aww really hoping its the start of things for you hun..

good luck and keep us posted if you can :hug:
Thanks! Had some more contractions. Nothing strong enough to make me go into hosp yet but thanks for messages and labour dust I hope things move soon. Will keep u posted.
:) :)
Hiya sarahjj, well you have jad two babies already so il say your contractions will become very regular soon.I had a show with my first in the morning and he was born within 24 hours.

Good luck.
get walking up the stairs 2 steps at a time thats what started me.. or a really nice brisk walk xx god luck
i'll get going up and down those stairs then!! :lol:
mrs tommo i hope i'm like you and have babe within 24 hrs that gives me til 8 tomorrow !!! would be GREAT
aww goodluck sarah i want mine out now had enough of pregnancy but baby seems too snugg lol

hope your baby comes out soon :)

ive had no show yet just some mild contractions. ans miles apart from each other
I had a show a week before LO was supposed to arrive, and ended up going 2 weeks over!!!
He he keep us updated, its party time in here when you girls go into labour!
HI :wave:

Tia was my third baby and she started with a show.

I just had a big blob of jelly and then twinges on and of for ages, but because both my boys were quick they said to go in and the would check me.

When i got there i was 1cm dilated and twinges didnt hurt and werent being picked up on the monitor so i had to stay and wait.

I was due to be induced the following morning so as nothing had really happened they started me of at half 6 and i had her at half 8.

The moral of my long winded explanation :oops: sorry, is that i had started to do things on my own and when it happened it happened quick.

Sounds to me like you are going to start very very soon hun, best of luck and lots of labour dust for you :hug: :hug:
(Lol...Kayzee... your daughter has the same name as mine)

My Tia started with a show.. around 9am...and by 7pm she was here :) So fingers crossed xxx
i didnt have my show until my waters broke and i literally went into labour about 5 mins later

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